Autism is Treatable
Enriching and improving lives of those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder…
Dr. Anish Vaknalli specializes in the treatment of Autism, PDD, ADHD and Behavioral disorders and currently treats patients from all major states in India, USA, Australia, UAE to name a few.
His online treatment protocol enables parents to seek his proven and researched plan from any corner of the globe. He regularly updates himself with new and alternative methods of treatment available world wide and recently returned from the USA with advanced training in its management using homeopathy, diet and essential brain neurotransmitter supplements.
The results achieved here are a result of 18 years of clinical research in which specific Homeopathic and bio-neural supplements capable of improving our sensory-neural pathways are prescribed. We call our therapy NP-Therapy or Neuro-Pathways Therapy.
We have been fortunate to treat numerous adults and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD/ADD and Behavioral patterns and found our treatment to make considerable turnarounds in almost all cases. Here we have documented and narrated 7 such cases treated by Dr. Anish Vaknalli with their ongoing progress. You can opt to start this treatment online or by visiting us in person.
For Information on ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and how we manage and treat cases click here
Autism - Live accounts and experiences of parent’s whose kids are treated at HomeoConsult RD, by Dr. Anish Vaknalli.
Recent testimonials
Autistic child gets 91% in SSC exams [Aditya is on Dr. Anish Vaknalli's NP-Therapy'
Link to the news article is here
Case 1: Significant Turnaround
Name: Samrat | Diagnosis: Moderate Autism | Evaluation Method: CARS and ATEC
Samrat has been exclusively on the NP-Therapy for 7 months. A child who was completely unresponsive, indifferent and aloof is today following commands.
Case 2: Satisfactory Recovery
Name: Kavya | Diagnosis: Autism | Evaluation Method: ATEC Score (Autism treatment evaluation checklist)
Kavya's case and her recovery is the sample of how children improve on starting our treatment. As a child she had already undergone Homeopathic treatment but had lost what was gained after stopping that treatment. Kindly view her mothers testimonial describing her prior to and after our treatment. We sincerely thank her for sharing this video as parents can relate Kavya to their own children and understand what to expect from their treatment at HomeoConsult RD...
Case 3: Significant Changes
Name: Ameya: Age 6 | Diagnosis: Autism | Evaluation Method: ATEC Score (Autism treatment evaluation checklist)
(As narrated by the parent)
We were blessed with the birth of our daughter in the year 2000. Being our first child we weren't very aware of the milestones a child goes through and enjoyed all her achievements as they came. In the first 2 years all her milestones such as crawling, teething, walking and feeding habits looked absolutely normal when compared to others. However towards the end of her second year we noticed that our child did not respond to our gestures and seemed a bit aloof or lacked interest in the things around her. Her speech for a 2 year child was fine; however she wasn't picking up new words or lacked the desire to learn new words as other kids of her age did.
By the time she was 3 yrs we started to notice that she preferred to stay aloof, away from social interactions as well as verbal communication with other children. Time went by and our lack of knowledge prevented us from seeking the correct counseling and intervention.
On entering preschool we got our first inclination of the diagnosis as the teachers there began to notice certain patterns and referred us to a therapist. By that time she had pronounced fear of loud, sudden noises such as bursting of crackers, fear of crossing the streets and sudden flashes of light such as while taking photographs. She had a peculiar habit of lifting her skirt repetitively or asking for the same thing aggressively over and over again till she got it. She liked rocking while sitting and could not relate to our emotions of anger in response to her behavior.
Changes on starting treatment
At this stage we were referred to Dr. Anish Vaknalli as our therapist had seen numerous children doing well under his treatment and progressed significantly.
On our first visit, doctor spent close to an hour with us observing her movements and social interactions and asked her entire history, preferences and habits thoroughly. From what I understood about Homeopathy and his specialized approach was that unlike conventional therapies where the same line of treatment is prescribed for a particular condition, here, every child is gauged differently and treated constitutionally.
On starting this line of Homeopathic treatment with Dr. Anish we began to notice changes after the first couple of months which are in the sequence as follows:
The first and most important change we noticed was that our child who till date did not bother to ask for things or share her likings or dislikes began to do so and felt less vulnerable, fearful or shy is what we felt. She lacked eye contact and always looked away while spoken to. Now, she had more confidence and made continuous eye contact which was totally absent prior to this treatment. Though she did well in her school and got good overall grades she lacked the ability to communicate through essay writings and emotions which we felt were changing too. Her repetitive actions reduced by more than 50%, though her fear of loud noises and light flashes took a bit longer to subside, which eventually did significantly.
After 8-11 months of continuous treatment I am glad to say that my daughter (Ameya) is coping much better than she did a year ago with all the new introductions made in her life. Her social interaction has noticeably increased and knows what she wants and asks for it confidently. I am sure in the following months she will be as normal as any other child and encourage parents like me to opt for Homeopathy along with any other therapy they choose.
Father of Ameya (Case number 657, Name changed)
Case 4: Speech and comprehension in autism
Name: Jolene |Age 4 | Diagnosis: Moderate to Severe Autism
Jolene was brought to Dr. Anish with typical signs of Autism such as complete lack of speech and comprehension and was often agitated. In this video you can see a significant reversal in her comprehension as she now recites 5-6 poems, follows commands and is much more receptive as narrated by her parents who have worked relentlessness in supporting our therapy.
Case 5: Cured (June 2012)
Name: Master Ahsan |Age 5 | Diagnosis: Autism | Evaluation Method: ATEC (Autism treatment evaluation checklist)
(As closely narrated by the parent and translated)
We live in a small town in M.P known as Katni. Our son of 5 years began schooling where the principal and teachers noticed certain behavioral patterns preventing our child from moving on to the next grade. At first, not knowing what Autism was, we considered his behavior as a reflection of his personality and accepted that he wasn’t as smart as the other kids in his school.
Fortunately, the schools Principal happened to visit Dr. Anish Vaknalli online and convinced that he would be the right person to help our child. We travelled overnight and scheduled an appointment with Dr. Vaknalli who happened to see us in person a couple of days later.
On our first visit we learnt that our child suffered from ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and has numerous characteristics which were as follows: He had an unusual quite disposition and liked to play by himself. Very capricious by nature and demonstrated numerous repetitive gestures. He could continuously write on a wall and had a distinct affinity for mechanical toys. He showed fear towards large gathering of people, loud noises and of water. Academically he lacked the ability to excel and was not able to go beyond writing simple alphabets and numbers.
Changes on starting treatment
It’s been only 3 months since we have started the treatment and amazed at the changes we have seen in him which has helped him cope better with his surroundings.
Prior to the treatment he was a shy, quite boy who avoided his brother and any form of playing activity. Now, he enjoys playing with his brother and looks forward to the same. His lack of communication and non-responsive behavior when questioned has dramatically changed. He now replies to questions, asks for things when he needs them and confidently communicates his needs. He never asked for food or when he needed to use the toilet. Now, he gives us clear indications for the same and does so confidently. He has stopped repetitively writing on the walls and has very less fear of sudden loud noises. Previously, he was startled by sudden loud sounds, whereas now he first analyses whether the sounds are threatening and then responds.
He miraculously got over his fear of water and now enjoys his baths and even noticed him doing so when it rained here heavily.
We are aware that the treatment has miles to go before we see a complete reversal. We are as committed as our doctor has been and intend to continue the same till he recovers. Having seen such drastic changes in only 3 months we are optimistic of the treatment here and are thankful to the schools Principal and Dr. Anish Vaknalli, who have given our son a new life.
Update (26th July 2011) as narrated by his father
Father of Ahsan (Case number 775, Name changed)
(Contact details can be provided on request)
Case 6: Steady Improvement
A case of Congenital CMV leading to Delayed Mental Development:
My daughter was prematurely born. 3 months after birth she suffered symptoms of CMV infection but unfortunately was not diagnosed for nearly 6 months. In this period doctors injected here with a lot of general antibiotics following which she was transferred to Jaslok hospital wher her treatment for CMV began. As a result of this condition we found her speech and her motor skills were delayed. We consulted a psychiatrist, neurologist and what not. We were very worried for her speech and motor function delay.
One day we watched an interview on Autism and Homeopathy by luck. Though my daughter was not diagnosed with Autism we knew that homeopathy was very good for conditions with symptoms like autism.
I went through Dr. Anish Vaknalli's website and happened to consult him soon after. I am now taking medicines for 2 years for my daughter and during this period she has improved a lot. On starting treatment she started talking, became much calmer and started to focus and concentrate which was absent before. She was very scared of loud voices like crackers, lightening etc and now she is very much better.
I am very grateful to Dr. Anish Vaknalli and our treatment is still on.
Best Regards, Parent of Miss...(Case no: 998, Name undisclosed on request of Parent)
Case 7: Amazing Recovery
Name: Master Shiv.. | Diagnosis: Autism | Evaluation Method: ATEC (Autism treatment evaluation checklist)
Most Recent update (16th June, 2012) as narrated...
Autism and Homeopathy: Dr. Anish Vaknalli’s observations
Autism is a childhood disorder which affects the way kids perceive, interpret and experience the world, making it harder for them to communicate in a social environment. They tend to unusually react to things going on around them such as loud sounds, bright light, crowds etc. and may show unusual, repetitive behavior. They may have trouble linking words to their meanings making it hard to come up with the correct words to express their feelings.
Homeopathic treatment for Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder), ADHD/ADD, Asperger’s syndrome and behavioral and learning disabilities are very complex. Children tend to manifest such conditions differently and in layers, and an individualistic approach is required in each and every case. Different homeopathic remedies may be prescribed at different stages of this condition, working to unfold and rectify the different layers one by one.
The ultimate outcome of our treatment is fruitful and we more than often see a significant reversal of this condition in a large number of children. Also, not all those treated improve in the same time frame and to the same extent depending on the complexity and age at which treatment is initiated. I therefore strongly urge parents to start this treatment as early as 1.5-2 years of age for maximum benefits. Older children too respond well and is not a criteria for avoiding this treatment.
We strongly recommend parents to be patient, positive, committed and observant to the changes during the course of our Homeopathic treatment as prescribing the correct remedy as this condition unfolds while improving is the key to treating this condition successfully.
Based on our experience and the improvement we see in children after our NP -Therapy, we believe that this treatment is a must for all children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and alike conditions like ADHD/ADD and Behavioral disorders.
Dr. Anish Vaknalli (MD, HomeoConsult RD)
Enriching and improving lives of those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder…
Dr. Anish Vaknalli specializes in the treatment of Autism, PDD, ADHD and Behavioral disorders and currently treats patients from all major states in India, USA, Australia, UAE to name a few.
His online treatment protocol enables parents to seek his proven and researched plan from any corner of the globe. He regularly updates himself with new and alternative methods of treatment available world wide and recently returned from the USA with advanced training in its management using homeopathy, diet and essential brain neurotransmitter supplements.
The results achieved here are a result of 18 years of clinical research in which specific Homeopathic and bio-neural supplements capable of improving our sensory-neural pathways are prescribed. We call our therapy NP-Therapy or Neuro-Pathways Therapy.
We have been fortunate to treat numerous adults and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD/ADD and Behavioral patterns and found our treatment to make considerable turnarounds in almost all cases. Here we have documented and narrated 7 such cases treated by Dr. Anish Vaknalli with their ongoing progress. You can opt to start this treatment online or by visiting us in person.
For Information on ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and how we manage and treat cases click here
Autism - Live accounts and experiences of parent’s whose kids are treated at HomeoConsult RD, by Dr. Anish Vaknalli.
Recent testimonials
Autistic child gets 91% in SSC exams [Aditya is on Dr. Anish Vaknalli's NP-Therapy'
Link to the news article is here
Case 1: Significant Turnaround
Name: Samrat | Diagnosis: Moderate Autism | Evaluation Method: CARS and ATEC
Samrat has been exclusively on the NP-Therapy for 7 months. A child who was completely unresponsive, indifferent and aloof is today following commands.
Case 2: Satisfactory Recovery
Name: Kavya | Diagnosis: Autism | Evaluation Method: ATEC Score (Autism treatment evaluation checklist)
Kavya's case and her recovery is the sample of how children improve on starting our treatment. As a child she had already undergone Homeopathic treatment but had lost what was gained after stopping that treatment. Kindly view her mothers testimonial describing her prior to and after our treatment. We sincerely thank her for sharing this video as parents can relate Kavya to their own children and understand what to expect from their treatment at HomeoConsult RD...
Case 3: Significant Changes
(As narrated by the parent)
We were blessed with the birth of our daughter in the year 2000. Being our first child we weren't very aware of the milestones a child goes through and enjoyed all her achievements as they came. In the first 2 years all her milestones such as crawling, teething, walking and feeding habits looked absolutely normal when compared to others. However towards the end of her second year we noticed that our child did not respond to our gestures and seemed a bit aloof or lacked interest in the things around her. Her speech for a 2 year child was fine; however she wasn't picking up new words or lacked the desire to learn new words as other kids of her age did.
By the time she was 3 yrs we started to notice that she preferred to stay aloof, away from social interactions as well as verbal communication with other children. Time went by and our lack of knowledge prevented us from seeking the correct counseling and intervention.

Changes on starting treatment
At this stage we were referred to Dr. Anish Vaknalli as our therapist had seen numerous children doing well under his treatment and progressed significantly.
On our first visit, doctor spent close to an hour with us observing her movements and social interactions and asked her entire history, preferences and habits thoroughly. From what I understood about Homeopathy and his specialized approach was that unlike conventional therapies where the same line of treatment is prescribed for a particular condition, here, every child is gauged differently and treated constitutionally.
On starting this line of Homeopathic treatment with Dr. Anish we began to notice changes after the first couple of months which are in the sequence as follows:
The first and most important change we noticed was that our child who till date did not bother to ask for things or share her likings or dislikes began to do so and felt less vulnerable, fearful or shy is what we felt. She lacked eye contact and always looked away while spoken to. Now, she had more confidence and made continuous eye contact which was totally absent prior to this treatment. Though she did well in her school and got good overall grades she lacked the ability to communicate through essay writings and emotions which we felt were changing too. Her repetitive actions reduced by more than 50%, though her fear of loud noises and light flashes took a bit longer to subside, which eventually did significantly.
After 8-11 months of continuous treatment I am glad to say that my daughter (Ameya) is coping much better than she did a year ago with all the new introductions made in her life. Her social interaction has noticeably increased and knows what she wants and asks for it confidently. I am sure in the following months she will be as normal as any other child and encourage parents like me to opt for Homeopathy along with any other therapy they choose.
Father of Ameya (Case number 657, Name changed)
Case 4: Speech and comprehension in autism
Name: Jolene |Age 4 | Diagnosis: Moderate to Severe Autism
Jolene was brought to Dr. Anish with typical signs of Autism such as complete lack of speech and comprehension and was often agitated. In this video you can see a significant reversal in her comprehension as she now recites 5-6 poems, follows commands and is much more receptive as narrated by her parents who have worked relentlessness in supporting our therapy.
Name: Master Ahsan |Age 5 | Diagnosis: Autism | Evaluation Method: ATEC (Autism treatment evaluation checklist)
(As closely narrated by the parent and translated)
We live in a small town in M.P known as Katni. Our son of 5 years began schooling where the principal and teachers noticed certain behavioral patterns preventing our child from moving on to the next grade. At first, not knowing what Autism was, we considered his behavior as a reflection of his personality and accepted that he wasn’t as smart as the other kids in his school.
Fortunately, the schools Principal happened to visit Dr. Anish Vaknalli online and convinced that he would be the right person to help our child. We travelled overnight and scheduled an appointment with Dr. Vaknalli who happened to see us in person a couple of days later.
On our first visit we learnt that our child suffered from ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and has numerous characteristics which were as follows: He had an unusual quite disposition and liked to play by himself. Very capricious by nature and demonstrated numerous repetitive gestures. He could continuously write on a wall and had a distinct affinity for mechanical toys. He showed fear towards large gathering of people, loud noises and of water. Academically he lacked the ability to excel and was not able to go beyond writing simple alphabets and numbers.
Changes on starting treatment
It’s been only 3 months since we have started the treatment and amazed at the changes we have seen in him which has helped him cope better with his surroundings.
Prior to the treatment he was a shy, quite boy who avoided his brother and any form of playing activity. Now, he enjoys playing with his brother and looks forward to the same. His lack of communication and non-responsive behavior when questioned has dramatically changed. He now replies to questions, asks for things when he needs them and confidently communicates his needs. He never asked for food or when he needed to use the toilet. Now, he gives us clear indications for the same and does so confidently. He has stopped repetitively writing on the walls and has very less fear of sudden loud noises. Previously, he was startled by sudden loud sounds, whereas now he first analyses whether the sounds are threatening and then responds.
He miraculously got over his fear of water and now enjoys his baths and even noticed him doing so when it rained here heavily.
We are aware that the treatment has miles to go before we see a complete reversal. We are as committed as our doctor has been and intend to continue the same till he recovers. Having seen such drastic changes in only 3 months we are optimistic of the treatment here and are thankful to the schools Principal and Dr. Anish Vaknalli, who have given our son a new life.
Update (26th July 2011) as narrated by his father
- Reduction in the child's unwarranted screaming by over 50%
- Has started to write with our help, which was completely absent before
- Plays and shares with his brother which was completely absent before
- Eats like a normal child now and asks when he desires something
- Mentions he needs to use the restroom or toilet which was absent before
- Had to be fed before. Now eats on his own most of the time
- Does not anymore throw food or things when offered
- His stubbornness has reduced by more than 50%
- Fear of sound, darkness, and crowds has considerably reduced
- Completely stopped repeatedly writing on the walls
Recent Update (16th June 2012) as narrated by his father
Ahsan has recovered beautifully. He is doing very well in his school and achieves good grades. All his previous behavioral issues like screaming, stubbornness, fears, repetitive behavior are minimized and as normal as should be for a child. We would like to continue his treatment for his further development and well being.
(Contact details can be provided on request)
Case 6: Steady Improvement
A case of Congenital CMV leading to Delayed Mental Development:
My daughter was prematurely born. 3 months after birth she suffered symptoms of CMV infection but unfortunately was not diagnosed for nearly 6 months. In this period doctors injected here with a lot of general antibiotics following which she was transferred to Jaslok hospital wher her treatment for CMV began. As a result of this condition we found her speech and her motor skills were delayed. We consulted a psychiatrist, neurologist and what not. We were very worried for her speech and motor function delay.
One day we watched an interview on Autism and Homeopathy by luck. Though my daughter was not diagnosed with Autism we knew that homeopathy was very good for conditions with symptoms like autism.
I went through Dr. Anish Vaknalli's website and happened to consult him soon after. I am now taking medicines for 2 years for my daughter and during this period she has improved a lot. On starting treatment she started talking, became much calmer and started to focus and concentrate which was absent before. She was very scared of loud voices like crackers, lightening etc and now she is very much better.
I am very grateful to Dr. Anish Vaknalli and our treatment is still on.
Best Regards, Parent of Miss...(Case no: 998, Name undisclosed on request of Parent)
Case 7: Amazing Recovery
Name: Master Shiv.. | Diagnosis: Autism | Evaluation Method: ATEC (Autism treatment evaluation checklist)
Dear Dr. Vaknalli, this is regarding my nephew Shiv.... On 9th August 2011 we received the homeopathic medicine sent through you as per our order no.477. We started giving the medicine as suggested by you from 10th August 2011 on wards.
Shiv... has been attending ‘Play group’ at ‘Kid..’ since 4th July 2011. He enjoys going to school. He also has been getting ‘Behavioral Therapy’ from 26th June 2011. Since last few days we have observed that his vocabulary has increased. He repeats a new word as soon as he hears it or even repeats words, when asked to for eg. Zoo, Circus, Cake, Ice-Cream, Auto, Nal (tap), Joker, Kitchen, Lucknow, etc. Now he enjoys watching his surroundings and points out to cow, horse, scooter, rickshaw and other objects which he sees on the road or in a magazine or even on T.V. He recognizes alphabets and numbers. He picks up any magazine or news paper and at random points out individual alphabets (A-Z) and also numbers ( 1-10). He takes interest in solving puzzles, recognizing pictures of fruits, animals, vegetables, recognizing colours and shapes.
He is now more obedient during ‘work-time’ both at home and during the ‘Behavioral Therapy’. However, since last one week he looks into the eyes of the ‘Behavioral Therapist’ or rather has a proper eye contact with her, when she asks him to repeat words after her. Of course, to make him look into her eyes she holds his chin and makes him listen to a sentence or a phrase, so that he can repeat the same. Now he tries to combine two or three words. Now he does not throw tantrums when asked to repeat a phrase or a sentence. When he is in a good mood he does recite full nursery rhymes - ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’, ‘Johny Johny Yes Papa’ and the song ‘Chanda Hai Tu, Mera Suraj Hai Tu’. He continues to jump while watching ‘commercials’ as though ‘springs’ are attached to his feet. Now he can recognize his relatives and says their names Maalu Didi, Jijaji, ( Brother-in-law) Tauji (Uncle) Taayiji
( Aunty) Buaji, ( Aunty) Phuphaji, (Uncle) Chun-Mun Didi. Now he has started enjoying his baths. He does not make fuss while taking medicines.
I look forward to your guidance in this matter. Kindly let us know as to when we should get in touch with you, after this.
Yours sincerely, VB (Name changed)
Update (16th Nov, 2011) as narrated...
He has started picking up new words very quickly. Besides repeating the words and sentences that he has been made to learn over a period of time, he uses short sentences at appropriate time. Earlier when asked to talk over the phone, he used to stay quiet and listen to what the person at the other end of the line said, but now he readily recites poems, songs, says numbers from 1-30 and alphabets from A-Z when we ask him to do so. He tries to reply to the questions asked over the phone by his father on a daily basis. He has developed a good ear for music. He catches a new tune and sings a song with a near perfect tune but using his own words to fit the tune! At times he even tries to express his feelings and says a full sentence but we are not able to understand the same. Yours sincerely, VB (Name changed)Update (16th Nov, 2011) as narrated...
Most Recent update (16th June, 2012) as narrated...
have continued his treatment for the ‘Fourth quarter’ from 20 May
2012. He has been admitted to ‘Nursery class’ in a local school since April last. In the ‘Nursery class’ he is expected to do written
work i.e. ‘alphabets’ and ‘numbers’, unlike the ‘Play Group’ of last year. Now
he can write numbers from 1 -10 and with very little help he can also write
alphabets A –H. This development is giving us hope that there exists scope for
further improvement. His parents have observed that he can repeat sentences which
he has been told to repeat. He can also answer the questions if he has been
made to learn the answer for. When he opens his Visual dictionary’ he points at
various objects at random and asks ‘what is this?’ and also gives correct
Autism and Homeopathy: Dr. Anish Vaknalli’s observations
Autism is a childhood disorder which affects the way kids perceive, interpret and experience the world, making it harder for them to communicate in a social environment. They tend to unusually react to things going on around them such as loud sounds, bright light, crowds etc. and may show unusual, repetitive behavior. They may have trouble linking words to their meanings making it hard to come up with the correct words to express their feelings.
Homeopathic treatment for Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder), ADHD/ADD, Asperger’s syndrome and behavioral and learning disabilities are very complex. Children tend to manifest such conditions differently and in layers, and an individualistic approach is required in each and every case. Different homeopathic remedies may be prescribed at different stages of this condition, working to unfold and rectify the different layers one by one.
The ultimate outcome of our treatment is fruitful and we more than often see a significant reversal of this condition in a large number of children. Also, not all those treated improve in the same time frame and to the same extent depending on the complexity and age at which treatment is initiated. I therefore strongly urge parents to start this treatment as early as 1.5-2 years of age for maximum benefits. Older children too respond well and is not a criteria for avoiding this treatment.
We strongly recommend parents to be patient, positive, committed and observant to the changes during the course of our Homeopathic treatment as prescribing the correct remedy as this condition unfolds while improving is the key to treating this condition successfully.
Based on our experience and the improvement we see in children after our NP -Therapy, we believe that this treatment is a must for all children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and alike conditions like ADHD/ADD and Behavioral disorders.
How can I opt for this treatment?
Besides our 3 clinical centres in Mumbai (India), we offer our services worldwide as well.
You can seek our treatment online by clicking here
For any further details or clarification do feel free to email us at
Dr. Anish Vaknalli (MD, HomeoConsult RD)
USA, Canada TollFree: 1-888-460-3575
OverSeas and India: 0091 - 9820190203
For further information on ADD/ADHD click here
Sir, my son underwent this treatment and it helped too. Nice article and very encouraging. Thanks, J.P
Hello, yes autistic children can improve and for those who feel let down and discouraged, my advice is that you start the treatment with therapy soon from a good doctor. You may see changes later after few months and don't be discouraged initially. Homeopathy has helped my child and Dr. Vaknalli would know better as he sees many such children.All the best and thank you doctors for giving hope and encouragement. Pauline
My daughter is 2 years old. Doctor said She has mild symptoms of autism... We started ocupational and sensory theropy but therpist said she is too young to start this...should we wait? or What should we do? can sombody help?
My 11 yr old daughter is autistic. She is hyper active also. she is good in reading but never shows her interest in writing. She has behavioral problem also. kindly guide us. Thanking you.
Hello Harshal..In fact this is the right time to treat as early intervention with homeopathy helps in reversing signs of this problem to a greater extent.Do consider this treatment and may contact us on or call on 0091-9820190203 (India, Mumbai Mobile). Dr. Anish.
this sounds interesting. my 2 year old grandson has been diagnosed with asd and it has been a shock to both me and my daughter. I wwonder about the genetic/prenata' component. he has gone thru episoded of banging head against a wall and screaming in his sllep/when he wakes/ he has acromegaly also. a 10lb caesarian child arrived a week before due date. concerned and loving nana
sir my brother is 8 year old and autistic... i want to know that is treatment is help ful becoz hes 8 years old
Hello Dr. Anish. My case number is 1092. My daughter who is undergoing treatment has the following changes since we started the medicines 2 months ago and would like to reorder the medicines:
1. Eye contact - 60% better
2. Hyperactivity - 50% less
3. Flapping - Completely stopped
4. Constipation - Occasional, was daily before
5. Shouting and shrieking - less than before
5. Clapping of hands - Occasional
6. Response to calls - marginally improved.
Kindly arrange for the medicines to be sent this week as they will be getting over in 2-3 weeks. Thanks again. Sujith Chatterjee.
Dear Sir, my child is undergoing ABA (Applied behavioral analysis) therapy along with diet which is free of wheat and casein, plus occupational and speech therapy. Would like to start your treatment and oblige. We did try homeopathy from someone in Mumbai but they don't seem to specialize in it as you do. Dr. Anish, if you could personally attend to my child I will be highly obliged. Sincerely, Roshan Dutt
Dear Doctor,
In continuation to my earlier mails and telephone discussion held with you, I am furnishing below my comments on my kid's development after started giving your drugs.
* His eye contact has improved which was not there earlier.
* He partially understands our speech viz., bring a plate, bring a towel, stand up and sit down, etc.
* He also improved in his toilet habits. If he wants go for toilet, he himself removing his half-pant and going to the toilet.
* He is seeing our face for quite a time when we deliver any speech to him which was missing earlier.
* When we are taking our break fast or dinner, he also brings a small plate and if we keep some food, he himself eats some quantity.
* After wake up, if I call him for teeth-wash, he himself brings small stool for using in the wash-basin, his brush and paste.
* After teeth & face wash, if I tell him to clean his wetness in face, hands and legs, he himself cleaning by taking a towel.
* If I call him by his name, he responds immediately, which was not there in earlier.
Sincerely, S...
please suggest a place for treatment of extrapyramidal cerebral palsy preferably in India..with great hope..
e-mail #
My daughter has been diagnosed with Autism recently. She is 25 months old and her tantrums are uncontrollable. She lacks eye contact, ignores people around her, no interest in what happening around her, stays alone in a dark room, entertain herself and does meaningless plays. My email id is .
Dear Doctor,
I have started giving 2nd dosage of drugs received from your end to my kid Master Krishna who is suffereing from ADHD with mild autism symptoms. Now, one month is over and I am giving my report about my kid's behaviour / changes which I have noticed after starting this 2nd course.
Now, I have notice that he understands the instructions given to him in Tamil (mother tongue) and reponse well. For example, if I tell him to bring a bag, watter bottle, powder, towel, scissors, comb, etc., he is bringing correctly. Also If I tell him to handover some objects to his mother, elder brother, he is going and giving the same correctly. If I ask him where is his head, eye, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, he is showing correctly. The problems are, he is not speaking any word on his own. He is telling only TATTA (bye bye), Appa (father) and Amma (mother) rarely on his own. On enquiry with his school authorities where is being sent for rehabilitation, they informed that first receiptive language will be improved and then expressive language will come. Hence, I request your assessment about my kid's improvement and further directions regarding giving the E1 drugs which was sent along with the 2nd course of drugs.
soliciting your reply please.
To whom it may concern,
We started the medicine number 1, 2 and 3 in December/January. I don't know if it is coincidence but his speech and language has improved dramatically. The teacher says he is completing all tasks in class and his behaviour has improved. Do we need to complete all of the bottles for number 1,2 AND 3? I ask because you sent me E1, e2 and e3.
Please advise and make comments on what else we can do. Does diet affect all this. Is there anything you think he should not be eating or anything we should be promoting in his diet? He is a good eater and does listen in trying new things.
Dear Dr. Anish Sir
This regarding my son Abhi (Case no 808118). Abhi now knows his name and responds well as compared to before.He knows all our family members names and calls them correctly. His sleep is normal now. Previously he slept under the bed or in the corner of the room and was very restless and tossed about continuously. Now he does not wake us and sleeps though the night on his bed. His shouting and screaming has stopped completely. He use to run in speed from one place to another. Now, he listens to stop, turns his head and looks when called and responds well. His head banging has stopped. He use to pull hair often and now only sometimes does it when he is angry. His teeth grinding has completely stopped. He much more demanding and asks for things unlike before. His comprehension is also good and repeats numbers and alphabets well. Now studies his action and name cards properly and recognizes them. Correctly recognizes names of fruits and pics the right card. Surprisingly he now knows all his alphabets and recites them from A to Z as well as says A for apple till Z. Even is singing poems now.
Dr. Anish he had lost all his normal abilities before we started your treatment when he was 3 years old and now at 6 years he has recovered and regained all of it and has further progressed a lot. He even says 3 letter sentences and his speech and recognition has improved tremendously.
I am sincerely thankful to you for helping us in these tough times and hope your medicines do wonder to many such children. we had given up hope running from doctor to doctor till we found you. Thank you and Go Bless...
Mrs. Tiwari (Consulate-Delhi)
Case ref no: 1082 M
Please refer to the case story for my son below.
My son was diagnosed with borderline Autism at the age of 5yrs, though by one & half years, we observed that his behavior was not normal, but thought that this was a temporary phase. He was scared of going to closed places like AC shops, reacted strongly against new surroundings, was very cranky in the mornings (would mostly cry for an hour or two everyday), spent most of his pre-nursery days at the door of his class - crying, obsessive about some toys, would not like guests at home, not eat anything new or in different form.
He underwent therapy in Hinduja, including speech therapy. His fear of new places & closed places went away gradually & his communication improved marginally. However, he remained restless in nature, lacked focus or attention, was continuously repeating either past incidents or some hypothetical “what-if” scenario. Also, his social behavior remained a challenge, which prevented him in developing a friends circle. By age of 11 he started showing signs of anger flare up, start hitting at people at home & we could not reason with him. It was at this time, that we heard of Dr. Anish Vaknalli. He was clear that the treatment will take a minimum of 8 – 10 months to take effect. It is about 8 months now & his habitual delving into some past episode & talk repetitively has considerably reduced. His anger levels have come down considerably. He gets upset less than before. Though his social behavior is still a challenge, at-least he understands now that social acceptance among peers, friends, relatives & society in general is important (something that he really didn’t care much about; so though he understands that peers are avoiding him, he couldn’t apprehend the reason, even when explicitly explained).
I am satisfied with the progress that he is made under Dr. Anish Vaknalli’s treatment.
Hello Dr.Anish Vaknalli
As just now discussed with you, I would like to order medicines for next three months. Also Medicines need to be shipped to the previous address in switzerland. As for his condition, definitely he has improved . So i think this combination of medicines , therapy and scheduling is working for him.Certain improvements which we have noticed are:
1. He has started speaking in simple sentences, though not always gramatically correct. he can better express himself
2. He listens more and follows simple commands even when told him once. like put on your pajama, put on your tshirt, put this here , put your toys back etc.
3. Understands more when we give him a logic or reason
4. His creative or imaginative play has improved.
Mother of Sur...
My son is receiving treatment from you. We started the treatment from 18 of July 2012. The order no: is 643. He is autistic and his main problem was episodes of terrible anger.
We started treatment on 18/7 and till 31/7 he had episodes of anger every day. between 1/8 and 15/8 he had episode of anger on 4 days. Between 16/8 and 31/8 he had anger on 2 days and since 1/9 nil.
We feel that he has definite improvement in this area. Our request is that he should be made to take some initiative in studies and some interest in daily life. We have stopped Trioptal , which we were giving him earlier, out of disgust , since it was of no use. Kindly see this feed back and advise us.
Parent of Tushar
Case Number 101M (Ved)
My son has been under you treatment since July 2012. I am briefing you on the changes we have seen. When we brought him he was very restless and if you remember did not sit in one place, touching and throwing things in your clinic. He had no eye contact with other and very stubborn. Did not listen to anything and did not understand orders like 'bring this' or 'keep it'. Was not potty trained either and did not tell when he wanted to go.
In 2 months we have seen a noticeable change and even our relatives have said that there is significant improvement. His eye contact is pretty good now and listens to simple commands most of the time. Does not bang his head like before (less by 70-80%). Indicates if he needs to use to toilet. Before doing anything or touching things, he looks at us as if waiting for us to say it is OK to do so. Remembers places he visits and makes sounds like of a train when he sees one.
I am hoping he improves steadily and learns to communicate as well and relying on your expertise for the same.
Thank you Dr. Anish - Father of Ved
This is regarding my nephew Shiv..., who is undergoing your treatment since August 2011.We have continued his treatment for the ‘5th quarter’ from 20th August 2012 onwards and as suggested by you he is being given medicine from all the 4 bottles.
It is about five weeks since this treatment for the ‘5th quarter’ has started and we wish to keep you posted with some of our observations at this stage.
Now we notice some positive changes in his body-language and attitude towards family members in the house and also those visiting us. He is now attending Nursery class. He has started sitting in his seat for longer periods than before. He remembers more words and also spellings of many words. Now he can put on clothes and also can wear socks and shoes on his own. He has also started eating food on his own. Occasionally he speaks out correct and relevant full sentences. He now tries to interact or makes an effort to interact with others. However this interaction does not last long and soon gets disrupted. This distraction during interaction is disturbing even though his speech is clearer now. We do find a favorable response and are hopeful that the treatment will lead to further improvement in his condition.
Sincerely, VB
Hello Sir,
As we discussed on phone sometime back regarding usage of second medicine (E1 and E2) for my son Sai Suffering from Autism). We started using first medicine past from one month and listed below his improvements. Now please let me know your feedback and tell me can we go ahead with using second medicine or not.
Improvements -
1.Before medicine he was speaking only single words now he started speaking few sentences and telling rhymes in his own language without clarity. I can say overall 10% improvement.
2. Hyper activity has become bit less.
Non- Improvements
Still he cries a lot for small things like if he don't give toy, after coming back to home while we go outside etc.He is not eating himself. He depends holding milk glass also. He is very very naughty and never listen to our words.
S Kumar
Hello Dr. Anish,
This is Dharmishtha from TX, USA. I wanted to give you an update about my son. He is on the medicine for past 3-4 months. He is much calmer now. His hyperactivity is almost gone from him. We have stopped giving any focalin that he was taking on school days and Kapway is also just once a week which he was taking before 2 times a day. So lots of improvements in him. But he still is very spacey. We have to give him so many reminders for everyday basic chores that I think 9 years old should know, like how to get ready, what comes next after previous task is done. But overall I am happy with his progress. Please let us know, if we need an update for any homeopathy medication regimen.
thanking you so much
Hello Sir,
For my son Sai we started using E1 medicine on every Sunday as suggested by you. Now please let me know when to use other medicine E2.
1. He started repeating few new words what we say.
2. He singing rhymes and songs but not clarity
3. Now he asks what he want like water, snacks etc.
4. He is bit listening when we go out and not crying so much.
Name: Darsh (Name changed)
Age: 3 years now (2.5 years when we started your treatment)
Case No: 972
Testimonial from Parent:
First, we would like to offer our humble thanks to Dr. Anish Vaknalli, for showing us the path and hope with his gentle, humble and ever smiling nature while treating our child who was diagnosed with ASD/ADHD/SID symptoms.
We have seen tremendous improvements in our child since last 6 months. As rightly mentioned by Dr.Anish, that early intervention goes a
long way in early recovery has proved right in our child case as he is now 3 years and we had started this treatment when he was 2 and half years old.
Major improvements in last six months:
• Head banging reduced by 90%
• 50% reduction in his stubbornness
• 80% reduction in throwing things around
• 50% reduction in his hyper-activity
• Vocalization and Babbling has shown tremendous improvements
• 90% increase in his eye contact
• Tremendous improvements in his hand gestures like calling etc
• Sitting tolerance has improved by over 50%
• Good progress in following instructions (removing shoes/bathroom usage etc)
• Started mingling with other kids and children within Playgroup school
• Enjoys group activities and lessons – endorsed by his teachers
• Responds to name call by parents and strangers
• Social smile to others
Dr. Anish’s treatment coupled with OT sessions has given us hope, joy and satisfaction.
We are optimistic about Dr.Anish’s treatment and looking forward to some more great improvements in our child.
Keep faith and be smiling
Hello Dr Anish,
Please find below the latest update on Shiv in terms of changes we have seen after homeopathy remedy was started and some new things that seem to have cropped up. We started medication on Aug 15th and had stopped for a week in Sept when he was sick, had told the same to you..
Changes on previous observations :
1) Running a lot in the home after finishing an activity like food, play time etc. doesn't know what to do:
Reduced 95%, doesn't run aimlessly. Instead he runs to me with purpose to be thrown in the air etc and asks me to go and wait for him at the other end of the wall.
2) Turning switches on and off: Reduced to a great extent, but still shows up at times.
3) Imitating the sound of a mixer/grinder a lot and trying to turn it on: Reduced to a great extent, but still shows up at times, jumps up and down in excitement when mixer is turned on
4) Occasional finger flicking:Totally gone
5) Not responding to name calling at times or indifferent to it when he is doing unwanted things:
Lot of improvement seen in response to name calling and shows defiance now when stopped from doing unwanted things.
6) Head sweats a lot while sleeping from a very long time (since as an infant): Not seen now
7) Circling bikes and scooters in parking lots and observing at the handles in a kind of wonder: Not seen now
9) Can get stuck on a tricycle and keep twisting its handles or head and looking down at the wheels while using his legs to go fwd,
not pedaling: Not seen now
10) can be fed only by putting cartoon videos most of the time, partly because parents started it for him. Improved fine motor skills.
Has started holding pen or crayon using the 3 fingers and scribbling. Doesn't run around in restaurants now.
11) Sleeps well, sound sleep, 10-11 hours. No Afternoon sleep.
12) Speech is need based, but tries to greet people and doesn't know what to do next. Shakes hands when asked, but not with all.Hand shake and greeting has improved a lot, speech is still need based, though has expanded a lot and generalizes things to a fair extent.
Uses small sentences sometimes, else uses 2-3 words to make his need known.
13) Shows some defiance with parents: Defiance has increased a lot
14) Impossible to brush his teeth, we use a finger brush, he swallows paste, very sensitive in the jaws, teeth,gums:
This has improved a lot, allows us to go inside his mouth with regular brush and finger brush and brush his lower teeth
15 ) Has shown improvement in his Montessori by sitting at a place and doing the work for about 15-20 minutes. greets teachers on prompting.
Thanks for your understanding, time and concern...
Best Regards, Manish (Father of Shiv)
This is with regard to my son Vaibhav's condition.
As for the positives, now door banging he has completely stopped. Hitting also he has completely stopped but for the past 3-4 days he has again started pinching. His restlessness has almost gone but still he does not like to do some constructive work either sitting idle or playing with his watch he is obsessed with. His confidence level has surprisingly improved would walk up and down stairs confidently which would never do in the past. His learning power has further improved.
As for his negatives, always obsessed with a watch. does not like to work,study or even play. Does not write or read still. Has started pinching others and sometimes even abusing. does not listen to anyone would do what he liked to do, earlier he used to listen and obey.
Please suggest what next to do as you last time directed me to mail my son's condition after a month and now its time. I trust my son will be completely cured one day as I have a complete faith in Him and your Magic Hands.Thanks, Sincerely, Sharma
Hi Anish,
As discussed, we are continuing with the current sequence 1,3,E2. Krissyn has shown great improvement in terms of coming back to the original shape from the distressful 1 -2 months which we reported. His listening skills improved, in fact picked up our accidental mother tongue which we stopped though. Now we speak complete English only without any intermittent Malayalam. His teacher also suggested that he is less hyperactive, more focusing on what is taught. He tends to obey some orders and we also feel that he is listening and understanding our normal talk though he pretends not to hear. Slightly inclined towards taking interests in games, if we ask him and involve in family games like passing ball etc. He likes though it is difficult to concentrate. He still has some confusion on the linguistic concepts and also of attributes such as colors etc, not sure why colors are so difficult to remember & identify.
Saj (Father)
Dear Dr.Anish Vaknalli
Hope you recognize us. It is four weeks since we began giving my daughter Chelsey Netto, the doses according to instructions. In your letter addressed to us asked us to give feed-backs after giving the medicines for one month. So I thought I would mention how much Chelsey is responding to the medicines since one month.
Her attention overall has improved from 10% to 35-40% out of a 100%, since one month.
Her Eye contact when called has improved from 0% to 45-50% out of a 100%, since one month.
She is able to say 15+ words now which was only one word before starting treatment. But she only say these words when we show the pictures and ask her to say what it is.
She is imitating actions and observing far better now.
She is more calmer and does not jump about inappropriately. She does pinch or bite for things nowadays also. All these
improvements are as noted by her therapist and family.
Areas where she has not shown improvements since beginning the treatment are like, her tantrum has remained the same, her sand-play has remained the same, she continues to play with sand when outside the house each and every time, her appetite remains the same, only drinks milk and snacks like biscuit and chips.
We definitely feel that my daughter is responding to the treatment slowly, so please advice whether we can continue the doses in the same manner for the next month.
Thanks&Regards, Netto
Hello Sir/Madam
I am very glad to inform you that we are very much satisfied with Aarav's progress and we wanted to reorder the medicines.
Case summary:
Hyperactivity is now close to normal.He is now responding when called. He can feed himself now.Started chewing food.
Started giving instruction about potty and toilets.Interacting with other kids at school. Started playing properly with some toys.
Developed sentiments and emotions.Demanding things and showing his likes and dislikes.
Uttering few irrelevant words.Eye contact is developed enough.
Points we need more attention...
1 Speech development.2 Understand development.3 He is not copying commands or actions like rhymes,cartoons,songs etc.
4 Doesn't want to learn cause he does not want to sit at a place.
Let me know your availability to discuss it in detail.
Thanks, V. Mittal
great to see so many cases who are benefited especially in autism.but is there anyone whose child has got better in case of dystonia.i'll be thankful if someone shares the success story on dystonia with dr aneesh's treatment.
Hello sir
Our son 3 year old in tuticorin tamilnadu was diagonsed as mild autism with adhd he is attendind OT and going for school but his speech is not yet developed and poor social interaction we are so upset pls tell us whether your treatment will help him without any side affects. If anybody from tamilnadu taking treatment for autism under your guidance caan you pls refer them so that we can get more clear idea...awaiting for asap reply
A Parents response to the ongoing treatment (Changes noticed after treatment)
Hello Dr.Anish,
FYI: We are still on the same course (1,2,3 every day and E1 on Sundays) as prescribed initially rather then starting the new one as suggested by you in last email.
Recent updates about his behavior. In last 2 months, he has started showing some positive improvements:
1) He has started picking up of 2-3 words sentences . At home, he is more comfortable speaking the same but with other kids or somewhere outside he still remains silent.
2) He is showing some positive attributes in behavior as well like if we go out to the places for groceries, he stays with us (before he used to run all around).He now mostly try to listen to our instructions. He still adheres to his likes. Word "No" makes him hyper and impatient. His mood plays important role in his behavior which is very fluctuating.
3) Sit about 20-30 mins for reading and writing but keeps loosing focus in every 1-2 minutes .
4) Has stopped getting into comforter and lying on tummy.
5) His social interaction is also improving like now he wants to play with other kids but find it hard in understanding the emotions and the conversation between kids which probably makes him feel low and intern he gets cranky and starts throwing toys and hitting other kids with the toys.Any running game or cycling is fine.
Thanks Mrs. Nepa (name changed)
Dear Sir, Jai Hind.
This is with regard to the condition of my son Vaibhav. Suffering from ADHD/Autism, we had almost given up but this was not to be. After having undergone your treatment my son has shown tremendous improvement. The only problem remained in him is that still he does not want to sit and concentrate on his studies and still he is somewhat scared of going up and down the stairs. Rest is fine with him. His hyperactivity, door banging habit, etc. have almost gone and he has started paying heed to our suggestions also.
Presently he is taking 1 in the morning 2 in the afternoon 3 in the evening and E1 and E2 on alternative Sundays at bedtime. You have still not suggested to take E3 and E4. Kindly suggest remedies for his non-seriousness about his studies and fear of walking up and down the stairs.
With Warm Regards: N Sharma, Shimla.
[Posted by HRD below with name change]
Hi Dr.Anish,
Good Day!
Myself, Aji , am the father of twin boys Adithya and Armaan (4 yrs,8 mths), who were seen by yourself at your Mumbai clinic in early December 2012.We had carried medicines prescribed for each of them for 4 months as per your instructions.
We began administration of the meds from 1st January 2013 after our return to the UAE. We are pleased to inform you that there has been considerable change in both their conditions ever since our return.
Kindly note as follows:
1.Adithya : He has become more verbal than a couple of months before and is trying very hard to mouth more words. He has also started to respond positively to the therapies at an accelerated speed as per his language and occupational therapists. He does try hard to imitate the sounds of the words being taught and the success rate has increased from last year to a much better level. He can independently ask for his milk and can also respond when asked his name. He can point out to body parts as well when asked for.
2. Armaan : He readily repeats all that is taught but finds it difficult to respond to a question asked. He has always been more verbal than his twin but he too seems to be doing well as per his therapists. He does respond when asked his name but he is more inclined towards repeating and imitating without actually reasoning. His therapists are working on the same and they are designing methods to make use of his ability to grasp and mouth words and sentences faster.
We have now taken admissions for both of them in a regular school which will commence in April. We thank you for your guidance and will look forward to your continued support and help in the case of our boys.
Shall provide you a regular update periodically informing you their progress and please advice what should be the next step as we have medicines until next month only.
Best Regards,
Followup of P. Sharma (Ref No. H1061)
After 3 months of treatment the following changes have been achieved in the child:
1. Prior to starting medicines the child did not speak and could use 1 word sometimes to convey messages. Preferred being alone in a shell and lacked eye contact.
2. 3 months of treatment has resulted in this child saying alphabets from A-Z, numbers from 1-10. H now follows maximum commands and eats on his own now. Hyperactivity has also reduced considerably. He still points to things and does not say what he wants.
Overall there is a significant change as observed by us. (Narated by, Father: N Sharma)
Hello sir good evening
Sir after giving bottle no 1 2 3 for one more month the progress of yash is as follows as far as plus points are concerned they are as follows
1.previously he used to avoid people but now he goes with them he does eye contact with everyone
3.previously while hair cutting he used to scream a lot but now he sits silent and did not temper in barber"s work
4.head banging is reduced to 95% he waves good bye and follows command
6.hand flapping is also reduced to 50%
7.sometimes he drink water with his own hands too
As far as minus points are concerned they are as follows
1 when told to not do this or that kind of thing he screams
2.did not tell about toilet
3.did not speak but indicate things whatever he wants
4.due to not telling of toilet we are unable to send him to school
5.when someone sings a song he weeps bitterly
These are some plus and minus points of his progress
Hoping for your guidance
Father of Yash.
Dear Dr. Anish as per our conversation I am sending you this email.
Name of patient is Ishaan. We visited you on 6th February at your Malad clinic. I don't have his case paper number.
As soon as we started the medicines we noticed a lot of difference, he was talking a lot more, his blabbering was almost not there. But slowly the blabbering came back. Ishaan had a bad cold and a cough and also congestion in the chest, so his pediatrician put him on neubilizer (Levalbuterol was the medicine). While Ishaan was on this neubilizer the homeopathy medicine didnt seem to have any effect, but after I stopped this medicine within 2-3 days Ishaan again started talking more.
Yours faithfully
Mother of Ishaan
Case Ref No: H1123
This is the second month review. He is making a lot of improvement. He tries to communicate as best he can, triyng to involve us in his activities. He tries to initiate conversation, and has started asking simple questions like, what you want, where you go, what you doing, why you ..... , where is ......... , what happened, are you ok, where you going, what's this? etc. He has started singing a few songs too. Some of the words may be distorted, but the tune etc. is good.
Hyperactivity and impulsivity is still a problem. Because of this constant thoughts, and impulses in his mind, he is unable to focus on conversations, or sift information enough to make conversation or answer people's questions socially. but you can actually see him trying his level best to recollect what he wants to say, and he tries really hard.
I would like to order the next 3 months meds now itself. Kindly let me know the procedure of ordering and payment as soon as possible.
Thank you Dr. Anish. Nikhil has made progress, and I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for the same. I have ordered the next batch of meds for the next 3 months. Will keep you informed of any further developments.
Punam (Mother)
Case Reference M2022
ADHD with Mild Autism)
It’s been only 1 month since we have started the treatment and amazed at the changes we have seen in him. And I'm very happy to write my first feedback and anxious too. First, I thank Dr.Anish a lot for doing wonderful things for my son and supporting us for my son's improvement. He is diagnosed with adhd with mild autism and also his speech is delayed at 2.3yrs old. He is a preterm baby.
After giving medicines for a month its gives us hope that our son will be as normal as other kids. Dr.Anish is treating many kids like this and lighting their life. I thank him a lot and looking forward for complete reversal. God bless!!!
Improvements in one month:
His attention, concentration, distraction, patience overall has improved from 10% to 35-40% out of a 100%, since one month.
His Eye contact when called has improved from 0% to 40-50% out of a 100%,
Now he can point out about 150+ pictures correctly. He is imitating actions and observing far better now.
His sitting tolerance is improved a lot - up to 2 hrs.
Aggressiveness, violent behavior, teeth grinding, licking, screaming, stubbornness, fear, hyperactivity, lights affinity is reduced.
Door banging is almost gone, but still head banging is there. Runs here and there (This has reduced and now he use to prefer things while sitting at a place)
He use to avoid taking swings. Now he does not avoid other kids on swings
Started to mingle with children, does not push them or hit them. Overall interest is improved.
Laughs unreasonably is reduced. He is more obedient, because he understands more than before.
Need to concentrate:
He is having more sensory issues like, his speech is not progressed, saying only 1 or 2 words
He spins himself, spins all the objects continuously.
He jumps inappropriately often, watching tv very near and light affinity is more.
Thanks and regards, Ria Jain(mother of Akshay)
From: Vikas (Name changed)
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 7:07 PM
To: HomeoConsult R&D
Subject: Follow-up of my son Case ref: 1024
Hello Dr,
We observed after 45 days taking your recommended medicine.
* He completely stopped switching on/off of light.
* He is understanding what we say him. eg if we ask him to pick bottle, he picks it.
No improvement
* Not much of improvement on his communication or using words.
Please let us know next course of action.
At April 9, 2013 at 6:48 PM , Anonymous said...
Re: Vikas, Karnataka, Case 1020
Hi Dr,
Latest status:
1. He has improved and he can understand what we communicate
2. He repeats new words when we communicate with him, but forgets after some time.
3. Stopped repeated activity like switch on/off , climbing table/chair on/off.
1. Lacks concentration
Also All regular tablets are over, we still have few E1 tablets left. E2/3 are not used, do we need to use E2/3?
Please suggest next course of action from here...
Treatment # 1162 (Results after antidoting effects of Vaccine)
There is improvement following symptoms
The amount and size of his undigested food in his stool as reduced, Skin looks smooth,I have noticed new movements with his tongue, his Stools don't smell has as strong ever since I noticed an improvement in his food digestion, his food chewing as improved. Biggest improvement is sexually stimulation, he can go for 2 days without masturbating, No longer take long baths, he now take 2 minutes baths.
The following symptoms are worse
Sleep since last 2 weeks has been has been very poor, he works up every night at 12.00 or 01:00am and he will start jumping, rocking and stemming vocally for hours, he will only go back to bed around 05:00 or 04:00 am. He hates shoes, every time we put shoes on, he will take them off even at school. Doesn't play in the garden like he used to, if you take him out, he will spend about 10mins and want to get back inside the house.
Hello Dr.Anish
Firstly many thanks for all your guidance with my son's treatment,
After one month of medication below is the progress in Sad..'s case
1) Understanding Commands
2) Comprehension has improved
3) Communicating Non Verbally to convey his needs like pointing to the object required,getting the water bottle and glass to convey he is thirsty
4) Waving his hand to say Bye Bye
5) Showing affection towards his cousins,playing with them.
6) Less restless and less Hyper-activeness
7) Is showing better concentration in Speech Therapy classes and saying some words occasionally.
The only milestone Sad.. is now required to accomplish is command on speech and a bit of Hygiene as he is still not very independent in using the washroom. He was regularly taking the medicines from bottles named 1,2,3 and weekly medicine from E1.In the order received we still have medicines with labels as E2 to E4 which were instructed to be started only after the reply is received on the first month assessment.
Please let us know the way forward after reviewing the above progress.
Regards, Mother of Sad..s
Dear Dr.Vaknali
Following are latest developments of my son Ve... S.. as I observed during the last two months.
1. His eye-contact is still not very good though it is improving.
2. His response to his name and instructions given to him is improving. i.e. when we tell him to shut or open the door he generally follows the instruction, and his response to his name is much better now. We teach him to touch the feet and he is doing it regularly whenever we tell him to do so. Also he gives high five, shakes hand, Namaste, bye and other things like that.
3. He tries to speak but ends up saying some inappropriate words. Though he tries to say 1,2,3,4,5,6 and it seems that he is trying to say some of nursery rhymes also.
4. He loves to watch the DVD of nursery rhymes and spends hours in front of television listening & watching them.
5. Stubbornness is still there but the intensity is a bit reduced now.
6.He likes to run a lot when and wherever he finds an open space to do so.
7.Sometimes he tries to dance on his favorite songs.
Today i had ordered for next 6 months with order no 1118.
She is sitting calmly and attentively. Hand movements are reduced. She had sound sleep at night. Now she pick some item which is above the height of her. She sometimes plays with her younger brother. Irritating has been also reduced.
Dear Dr. Vaknalli,
We had come to visit you on 6th July. You had given us medicines to help with Shaurya's tonsils as well as his developmental delays in speech etc.
I am noticing positive changes - I can see him articulating better. With regards to his sleep,
his snoring has improved, even though he is still a little restless at night and moves around on the bed.
One thing that I wanted to bring to your notice and get your advice on is that Shaurya has recently begun bed wetting. It has happened
3 times in the last two weeks - this is an uncommon occurrence, as he has never wet his bed before this. He used to either get up and
ask me to take him, or he would sleep through the night and wake up and go in the morning.
Please let me know what you think.
Respected Sir,
This is regarding Case No. H-1131. Medicine started 18-march-2013.
now she is taking 3rd course medicine , started on Oct-2013. Now she is doing better in her behavior. Her hyperness is also almost in control.
as she speaks the words very clear and now she is doing better in speaking sentences , poems etc. Now she can learn and understand the things better than before. Her memory is also good. she remembers the learning activity.
These all above improvements are only because of YOU.
And here we are also giving her occupational therapy and doing hard-work with her and giving her all our best.
But here the main area, she need to more improvement.
1. she required more attention in her activity.
2. more eye contact need to improve.
3. concentration also required on any activity just like - on coloring , cycling , writing etc.
As she is approx 4 years old and she has to go through for nursery class admission related process. Now she knows everything just like poems , alphabets ,numbers upto 20, vegetables name , fruits name , color name , identify colors and many more.
but her inattentiveness is the main hinder to show her knowledge.
Sir , Please suggest me , if omega-3 fatty acids related tonic or syrup will help her in the above said area.
So , we can go one step ahead for her nursery class admission related process.
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you about the recent updates of Soumil (3yrs. 4 months, case ref no: H-1174) who has been diagnosed with mild autism and is under your treatment since 5 months.
Our observations are:
1. He has learnt many one words (mostly nouns), he can recognize letters ,1-10 , vegetables, fruits, animals etc.
2. He does "picture study" very well. He shows (points with finger) things when asked, but if you ask him what is it? He will answer only if he likes to.
3. He has started listening to simple instructions like stand , sit , come , say bye , bring shoes, wave your hand .
4. His eye contact has improved a bit.
5. He still doesn't pay too much of attention to his younger sister (7 months old) .
6. His hyperactivity (jumping and screaming) is more or less the same. We have noticed that his screaming has increased a bit.
Your Sincerely,
Hi Doctor,
Trust you did have a good time off work
Further to our discussion, this afternoon. Adi Ref number us 1108.
We moved to Australia a month back. He likes the school and teachers.
Our big concern is that the Sitting tolerance is lost. We are returning to India this weekend.
The good part is that - he has started questions us -like
"Where are we going??
What is that ?
Where is Mom / dad?
He uses the names of his friends at home ( Nethra / Varun Etc..)
He has started to understand stories - Noddy and Ice Age (2&3)
However, he continues to say - I dunt like that boy / girl" - in public places :(
Any tips and tricks from you will be appreciated
Dear Dr. Anish,
My son Aaron will be finish his 3 months prescribed medication so would like to put down his
progress as of date for your assessment and further treatment.
Improvements :-
1.) Lot of improvement in communication.
2.) Much less hyperactive then before.
3.) Improvement in concentration and writing.
4.) Emotionally much better connected.
Need to Improve On Following :-
1.) Control on Imagination (Example) - Dummy actions while class is going on OR making car starting sound in a class when the surrounding is different then play.
2.) Need to Sit and attend Class for long.
3.) Better balance of mind - He feels sorry for wrong doing, actually he doesn't want to do but finds it hard to control or avoid it and it just triggers.
4.) Calm state of mind to take and follow class instructions
Also please give me a date and time so that I can call and discuss case in detail. Beside this medication I also want additional medication for his regular cold and fever.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Mr. Fernandes
Dear Dr.Anish,
We have 13years old boy suffering with autism symptoms, we request to please send suggestion to us for treatment. we are waiting for your voluble suggestion.
thanks and regards,
S.Ramesh Babu,
Dear Dr.Anish,
I've transferred through NEFT in your account for the medicines of Son Ved.. You are requested to kindly acknowledge the receipt of the same. Regarding progress, my observations are as mentioned below:
1- He is now speaking & recognizing the numbers 1 to 10 and speaking alphabets A to Z.
2- He can recite some of the nursery rhymes.
3- He is still not taking his meals regularly. we have to forcefully feed him.
4- His OT, Speech Therapy & special education classes are regularly going on.
Note: Sir, please do not send the medicines through ON DOT courier as its services in Lucknow very poor.
With Thanks & Regards, Akash Lucknow-226022
Update about my son Vishal as it's been little over a month that we started giving him medication:
Vishal Observation after a month of medication
The main issues we have with Vishal is that he is not responding to his name and does not identify people at home by family relationships. He also does not follow instructions and cannot talk clearly. But at the same time he remembers any nursery rhymes that he likes even for the first time he is listening and try to sing the same song later.
After giving him the medication for a month now, we have seen a tiny bit of improvement in the way he is responding to us. It’s not a huge change but it’s a positive step ahead for us:
He is responding to his name now 2 to 3 times in the 10 times we call him instead of the one or none response as before.
He started calling his mother mommy a few times unlike none before and we have to prompt him to do so.
He is saying the color of the glass and says ‘water’ by the refrigerator or ‘strawberry’ when he is hungry.
He also went to his big sister and said ‘uthi’ instead of ‘Sruthi’ once and he has not repeated that since, he was playing a ‘Hi’ game to everyone and that’s when he used it.
He seems to be wanting to do things more independently, like when we say ‘diaper’ to change his diaper he wants to be the one to take us to the room to change it.
Some of the words in his rhymes have gained a bit of clarity.
He also has an increased level of frustration or stubbornness recently. We trying to distract him as needed.
He is still not attentive to instructions .
I hereby submit the following improvements found till date against the case No.H-1209 of my son
1. Over Eating - Under Control.
2. I.Q. - Improved 30 to 40%
3. Hyper situation - Reducing gradually
4. Obeying of orders - Improved 15 to 20%
5. Understanding - Situations of Anger & Happy both
6. Shouting - While showing happy or during play
7. Creativity - Improved
8. Bed Wetting - Rarely for last 2, 3 weeks
Still delivering very few words of meaning full but unmeaning full or garbage words.
Hello sir
Good evening
Sir after giving bottle no 1 3 2 and E3 for 1 month the progress
report of yash (case ref no H 1002) is as follows
1 eye contact is perfect
2 try to imitate things
3 himself wears his slippers
4 takes breakfast lunch dinner on his table chair
5 speaks aa mamma didi etc as far as hand flapping is concerned it increases he also does not leave his habit of copulation on bed sofa etc playing with genital organ is totally stopped.
[Message has been edited due to length]
Hello Dr. Anish,
Case Ref number is: H-1261, observations for month four into the medication: 4/16/2014
He turned 3 this April 6th.Visual seems to be doing much better, there has been really a good leap in his improvement in the last 2 months. He is responding to his name very well now, even though he cries some times when we call him because he does not want to be disturbed with what he is doing. But eventually he is coming to us which is a great sign.
Vishal recognizes all the family members now as we keep telling him about all our family member names and also we keep showing him family pictures. As soon as we come from work, he starts calling us “Hi- Daddy” or “Hi- Mommy” or to his sister “Hi-Sruthi” depending on who comes home. He usually spells us out, for example when I walk inside the house from work, he says "Hi Daddy, D-A-D-D-Y". Also, when we give him instructions for example to keep his shoe in the shelve, he does so very promptly. If he likes what we are telling, he will follow that immediately but if he does not like what we say, he will start crying.
We also noticed that he is very intelligent as he is able to identify and write numbers from 1 to 100, alphabets, and he can recognize about 30 to 50 words. He seems to be able to pick up spellings and words pretty fast as he likes alphabets. His clarity in words has improved a little more since we started him on this medication E2.
Once you review this email, I would like to talk to you to get you inputs:
Thank you in advance
[Email from a patient. Name edited for confidentiality]
Hello Doctor,
I've placed new order today(May 17th) and order number is 2851. I have just replied to the existing email thread. Still we are in USA. Now R... age is 5.11 yrs and we seen lot of improvement after using your medicine and behaviour therapy(only few sessions at his school). Please go thru attached his school report with full details.
1.Started speaking 3 word english sentences(ex: I want ....,I need.... , etc.) and writing his name.
2.Understanding what we say few things from our end.
3. Knows all alphabets, 1-100 numbers (only in sequnece) and150 sight words.
Non -Improvements:
1. Still repetition exists.
2. Little bit lacking eye contact.
3. Sometime cries a lot (Tantrum).
Overall he is making a good progress and we need to continue your medicine still he become normal. So Please send your response with your comments and if you have any queries too. Thanks.
Shiva KJ, Texas, USA.
Dear Dr.Anish,
Thanks for your valuable treatment of my son Oman.
I would like to share the feedback about positive response after 2 months medicine effect.
1. He is able to reply some extent.
2. Hyperactivity has minimised.
3. He is in progress with eye contact.
4. He is able to share the few past activity.
But we noticed some other activity done by him like:
1. He became angry quickly to any one and bit them who belong to his age.
2. He does not share eatable (chips, toffee, fruity etc.) but try to take from others.
3. He insists on his demand and never forgets after punishment.
Regards, M Pandey
[Change in one month - Posted by HomeoConsult R&D on behalf of patient]
Hi sir, This is with regard to my son Raj, case ref. No.H-13..
I am glad to inform you that there is some improvement.He now repeats some words with us, loves to spend time with us and he responds to his name most of the time when we call him but rarely responds to new people. makes eye contact but not always.
Regards, MS
Dear Dr. Anish,
Please send 3 months medicine for below address. Progress of Vyom: With your medicine and continuous efforts of occupational therapy, Vyom has improved a lot in terms of following commands, food habit and understanding. Still he is lacking speech. Will you be able to provide medicine, which can help to develop speech ?
Best Regards,
Dr. Joshi
Email from a parent with social issues and delayed speech:
Nikhil's overall behaviour has improved.he tries to engage in conversation and
respond to simple social conversation. He asks many questions, and follows all
instructions given to him. He enjoys being around people, loves going out,
fiercely independent and is less restless/ more controllable. Of course there
is still room for improvement. I find he still tends to anticipate anxious situations,
and gets very wound up. Leading to frustration and anger. Sincerely, Kaus....
Dear Sir,
Please find below our observations after completion of medicine prescribed by you.
Case No:- H-1382, Attention and eye contact slight increase. Show gesture of bye bye. Speech of 3 -4 words develop i.e Mama, Papa, Ta Ta, Go etc and last two three days babble a lot which are absent in earlier. Jumping on bed and sofas is reduced about 80%. Stop circular movements / spinning. Follows directions. Sleeping habit on abdomen earlier is changed to normal sleeping pattern. Constipation still a problem.
Thanks & Regards,D Saik, Guwahati
We have completed 1,2 and 3 bottles and started the next batch of bottles 1,2 and 3. Could you please let us know how to use E1,E2,E3,E4 and E5.
The improvement we are seeing
Shouting reduced, Hand flopping stopped, eye contact improved, started talking only word
But still the fear and anxiety is there.
Thanks, Justin
Hello Sir,
I am writing to you as i wanted to inform that for last 2 weeks i have not given homeo medicines to my daughter as she was suffering from severe cough so my husband suggested not to give homeo and english medicines together.
In 1 week medicine routine i could see my daughter trying to imitate dance steps of music videos, which she never used to do and her
comprehension level has increased now she understands 80% what we say.
Thanking You, V.K.VIDYA.
hello Sir,
Jishnu Barua Case No H-1324.
i wanted you to know that my son is under your medicine .improvement is there in his speech.but destroying things biting & hitting is still there,
would like to order for the next medicine
thanks & Regards
SuBhodeep Barua
Case # 1413 [Response from a parent - Posted by HomeoConsult R&D]
Pt. location: USA
Changes on starting the treatment.....
Treatment started on Nov. 14th. friday.
Nov. 17th. He said the full sentence ,"I want chocolate" he is saying I want ....sentence sometimes not always since then.
5th day of the treatment....he is saying "no" at appropriate time.he says no to the food he does not want rather than pushing it away 50% of the time. One day he was in the washroom he did pee and I asked him "you need to go potty?" he replied perfectly"no potty".
13th day he started crying more.
Dec. 1st. bad tantrums,hard to calm him down.stopped the meds for 3 days (dec. 2nd,3rd and 4th)gave him E4. He settled,I started the same treatment again on Friday nov.5th.
Dec. 9th. and 10th. were the best happy days for all of us,he was very happy child , playing, smiling, didn't ask for chips at all,ate overeating. (he asks for chips when he is upset and cranky and eat nothing but chips all day long)
Dec.11th., 12th,13th half day cranky,asked for chips.
Pinching our ears is reduced about our ears are not bleeding all the time.
For 3-4 days 4th week he is saying the full sentence "mama put dora show on" he said "mama put -------show on "by telling me the different sows.
I feel that the treatment is working.It gives us hope for his and our good future with your treatment.
Hopefully it will go as we want.Thank you so much for answering all my calls , for being kind.
please let me know if you want to make any changes.
Thank you so much.
RB [Name changed for confidentiality]
Case Ref No H-1413, Canada [Shortened Email from patient]
Hello Dr. Vaknalli.
It's been almost three months since we've started the treatment. We are giving bottle #2, E3, #3 since Jan3rd, 2015. I've seen amazing improvement in his understanding. He wakes up happy (woke up crying screaming earlier. Very upset 90 % of the time in nov & dec). May be couple of tantrums since then. Happy and playing most of the time. Yes, he still screams, gets upset when the things are not his way. Way better then nov. and dec.,2014. Slight reduction in hand flapping 10%. Slight reduction in ear pinching 20%. Reduction in echolalia 60%. Before he used to say everything with his shows but now he watches his shows just like a typical child. Now he eats almost all the foods.
Thanks a lot. R. B….
Dear Dr Anish
As per our last consultation with you regarding ETHAN
CASE NO M-2406 (we had come on 7th July last month)
He has been on 1-2-3 meds daily and E1 for sunday.
He has added on 2 words to his vocab now like- 'Happy' and 'water'. Water especially he is saying meaningfully. He says 1-2, 1-2 and sings rhymes playfully. He also says 'hello' meaningfully on his toy phone. His play skills are better now, direct playing a lot more with his sister and generally responding with smiles to others. Most of the time his mood is good, wakes up in the morning without any crankiness but atleast twice a day, for no reason he shows sudden aggressiveness in his mood, just cries and is very angry. He is undergoing potty training at school and at home. Can't seem to control his urine and wants to do every 15 minutes. No.2 potty he never sit and does, he will do it running around all the time in his drapers. This is something we really need to work on. Before he sleeps we take him to the loo everyday and still at night he has done more in the diaper. When excited he hops around flapping hands once in a while.
Age - 5yrs 4 months
case no - H1449
Dear Dr.
This is regarding my son who is undergoing your treatment since around 21/2 months now.
In the course of treatment i would like to mention the remarkable changes which could be seen.
1. His vocabulary is increasing.
2. Has started picking up new words of surrounding.
3. He tries to form sentences.
4. Clarity in speech has not come yet though he tries several times to pronounce any word correctly.
1. His understanding is increasing.
2. Has started recognizing relationships.
3. Expression has increased.
4. Memory is good.
1. He is not able to ride a bicycle yet.
2. His pencil grip and writing is still poor.
3. His steps while running are getting clear.
1. The sensory issue problem which was their is still persistent.
2. He still fidgets things in hands.
3. He likes to listen sounds of objects.
4. Unnecessary movements is still existing.
5. He still shakes his body while lying awake on bed.
6. He likes to hold something or rubber in his hand and if he gets to do so can keep it in his hand for a very long period.
1. He is still lacking in concentration.
2. His concentration gets drawn towards his sensory stimulation.
Have got medicines left only for a couple of days so hope to receive it as soon as possible.
I have placed my order by transferring the amount in the mentioned account.
Dear Dr,
Nikhil's progress has been steady. His understanding of auditory input has improved, and he is able to follow more complex instructions. His speech has also improved, and shows an interest in engaging in conversation. He initiates conversation with us (his parents) and sister. Even at the park, i observed him trying to be a part of conversation with a group of children.
His speech is clearer, and vocabulary is increasing. Reading, writing, and arithmetic skills have largely improved. He is beginning to understand, and fight his anxiety. For eg, if he is scared of a particular scene in a movie, he watches it again and again to get used to it. After a while he is completely calm when that scene comes. But of course, he needs to improve more in this area. Kindly send me the next batch of meds as soon as possible, also pls do acknowledge receipt of the payment, and let me know when you would be dispatching the meds.
Sincerely, Puna...
Dear Dr.Anish,
Thanks for your valuable treatment of my son Omanan.
I would like to share the feedback about positive response after 3 months medicine effect.
1. He is able to reply.
2. Hyperactivity has minimized a lot.
3. He is in progress with eye contact.
4. He is able to share the recent past activity.
We need your more support as well for more improvement .Currently we are giving 1, 2, 3 & E1 as per your instruction.
M Pandey
[Case 1418, A. Singh]
Dear Dr. Anish and Dr. Archana,
Here is the listing of his improvements:
1. Total improvement in Eye contact.
2. Takes most of the Commands but many times gets confused with language.
3. Stopped Teeth Grinding.
4. Food chewing/swallowing is little improved.
5. Sitting tolerance has much improved.
6. Social interaction has much improved.
7. Falling asleep and sleeping throughout night is still the biggest issue.
Dear doctors, currently he is receiving services from the government (ABA therapy, Speech and Occupational therapy) and responding good whenever sleeping enough. Please help us and give your suggestions and please send the medicines ASAP.
With best regards, Gar...
Hello Dr. Vaknalli.
i started the second batch on Mar. 12.he is a bit upset these days ,throwing tantrums too.
hopefully it will go away as you say.Please let me know which med is for congestion .
giving him 1,2,3 and E1 on Sunday.
His understanding is amazingly improved since we started the treatment. Flapping is there not much improvement.gets upset easily.does not answer or question ......waiting at doctors office is a nightmare. he is starting the regular kindergarten in Sep. with an aid.
today was his 25th session of therapies. they've seen improvement in understanding too,more focused now.playing creatively. i'll give you the updates after 2 wks.
please let me know if you are visiting US this year.
we have no words to thank you enough for helping my son getting out of autism...
we are hoping for more improvement in future...
Thanks for your time and concern..P.B (case H-1413)
Respected Sir,
I am Shridula.R 's mother .case no H-1398 adhd case .I would like to order the next set of medicines for 3 months. She has changed a lot and says words like amma, iliya(no) venda(dont want) by by some times (see u) along with it.but she tries to say many things but it is not sensible but does not shut her mouth . She is still afraid of clicking sound and becomes little hyperactive starts pulling our hair or scratches,She mimics a lot from television, the dance steps and actions ,expressions wat the actors do.and but she is good at picking tunes of songs she will take the same tune singing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .After sending for speech therapy we came to know she has got slight tongue tie which is needed to operate we are planning to do it by feb end.She understands she needs to go to toilet but does not say but goes near the toilet or takes us. But if she is watching or busy with other things she forgets about it and does it where she is standing or sitting.
These are some changes we have seen in these 3 months after giving medicines and we are happy that she has improved a lot from what she was 1 yr before. I hope u look forward to this and help us to get our child,and keep on giving us continuous consultation.
Thanking You, V.K.VID...
CASE : H_1468
We have used your medicine for one month and stopped 1 year ago.
Symptoms:( when he was 3. 7 years old)
•He says single words and also is able to sing rhymes.(Now he is able to speak in phrases and little bit reciprocal speech also improved)
•He does not respond to his name (Now he is responding some times)
•He jumps up and doesn't repeatedly( Now this is gone)
•He does not seem very interested in other children( Now he is playing his sister and neighbors some times)
•His eye contact is decreased( Now it is little bit improved, Now he is maintaining good eye contact when he is saying about want he wants)
•When he wants something he might just place his mothers hand on the thing without making eye contact with her ( Now he is asking everything orally)
•He closes his ears when he hears loud noises( now this behavior is completely gone)
•He does not like sticky things on his hands( Now this behavior also gone).
•He does not like to keep clothes on if they are a little but wet(Now this is completely gone)
•He does not imitate others ( now this is little bit improved. He is imitating some times) At home ,
•he runs while flapping hands(very rare)
•He also seems to be very interested in cars,bikes..
•He is saying same words repeatedly (some times) and making some sounds when he is alone.
•He has motion problem also( after 3 to 4 days)(Now this problem is gone)
New Behaviors:
•He is touching others in school and touching & pushing kids some times.
•He is talking more about foods in school.
•Touching helpers inappropriate places some times.
•He is talking about some things which is happened before without asking him.
Positive things in him:
He is able to identify alphabets Upper and lower cases( Now he is able to read sentences also)
He is able to identify numbers From 1 to 100( Randomly also).(Now he can identify any 4 digits number)
He is able to identify all vehicles, shapes, animals, almost all vegetables & fruits and colors and say their names.
He can read and write.
He can understand and follow some instructions.
How long it will take to cure. Will it be really curable??
Please prescribe good medicine for my son and let me know how i need to pay
Dear Dr.Anish
I hope this mail finds you in good health and happiness !! As discussed couple of days back I have re- ordered the medicine now. Pls do help with the ongoing treatment. Pls treat this on priority as the medicine got over a week back.
Case ref No is : H-1527
As shared during our telephonic conversation I would like to update you on certain important information before you ship the new set of medicine.
Case Status :
Its been 7 months that Arush has been on your medicine (2 time order) and we are happy to share that we do see a lot of improvement in him . Pls find below different areas of his life to know better :
Physical Health : All this while with god’s grace he has been healthy and growing ( 4.8 years) . He is doing well from his health perspective . Few concerns are on his metabolism as he resists going to the potty on daily basis. He does show a lot irregularities than a normal child. Apart from this there is no serious physical health concerns.
Therapy updates : As of now he is on two therapies (Occupational & speech therapy ie story telling / interacting with a group of children / socialization etc)
School update : As he did start his schooling at the age of 1.11 we were successful to progress him to UKG this year ( with support of a supporting AID in the class ) . We did meet his teacher last week to check on his sitting and responding behaviour .Teachers did share that he doesn’t run around as earlier and responds to questions sometimes.
Socializing Status : We did see some improvements in his social behaviour but not to a large extent as he still enjoys to play alone in his own world. We did see that he becoming more aggressive and cranky when somebody takes his toys. His eye contact and listening to a name call is still a challenge . Some amount of opposition behaviour is also increasing day by day which also needs your attention.
Looking for your precious medicine ASAP. Feel free to call me to clarify on any aspect .
Regards, P Nair
May 2016
Case ref no : H-1714 Jaiveer Singh
I am sending his current symptoms that can assist you in recommending the treatment plan.
•Doesn't point to object.
•Doesn't consistently respond to his name.
•Minimum eye contact.
•Never says "Mummy"or "Papa".
•Doesn't use gestures on his own, for ex. hello, or wave or bye bye, however he does starting doing bye bye (only when prompted).
•Started showing very little interest in other children, overall no social interaction.
•No verbal communication
•Sensitivity to noise such as hair dryer, lawn mower, mixer, blower.
•Shows intense interest in playing with vacuum ceaner (pulling and releasing the wire and try to put in the wall socket and pretend doing cleaning) and with electrical cords.
•Never allow anybody to come near and hide himself while doing potty in the nappy.
•Allergic to cashew nuts and peanuts.
•Doesn't allows to cut toe nails.
•Sometime flap his hands in front of his chest and stiff his both hands near groin.
•When elder sister cry ,he scratch her and pull her hairs.
•Continuously wants to watch the opening and closing of automatic doors.
Case ref no : H-1714 Jaiveer Singh
Hello Dr Anish
As it is already more than 2.5 months finished I am writing you some changes we are seeing in Jaiveer
Eye contact is little better
Hyperactivity little controlled
Easily sits and take part in group activity and listen to his teacher in his day care centre
Understand most of the command given to him verbally in day care and at home
Started saying a lots of single word
Started saying hello bye bye thanks you when prompted
Started saying small phrase like I WANT ------- ,GIVE MORE ,HELP ME
Some time try to do action on little poems
Try to follow and play with her elder sister
Sometime ask her sister to copy his activity
understanding emotions like happy and angry face of us
Almost toilet trained -bladder ,potty yet to be achieved
Easily repeating the word told to him
Recognize a lot of things by seeing the photos
Case Ref No: B1772
Hello Dr. Anish Vaknalli,
I started giving your prescribed medicine to Agniket on Aug 3 2016. Here are my observations.
1. His hyperactivity is reduced a lot.
2. His sensory seeking behavior is reduced.
3. He is calm and composed most of the time.
4. Visual and verbal stymying has reduced a bit but still there.
Attentions is still big issue. Please advise.
Dear Sir / Madam,
I like to share one thing that in recent days if you ask what is your name in Tamil, he correctly said his name. Previously if you ask his name in Tamil he will tell his mother name and if you ask his name in English, he will say his name. So it seems he was not clear on what is his name. But now he seems recognised his name in both language. Also if you ask how are you he will say I am fine. This is taught to him, but he understood somewhat what is question and what is answer.
Sorry I forgot to give you a feed back last month. But I see a lot of differences from my son. His ability to understand has increased. Some times before he will always forget to wear chapples if I take it to Park etc., but now a days he remembers to wear back.
Now a days he is attached to me, he will keep waiting for me in the gate until I come from office. Before he was not much bothered and used to play in some computer games or watch TV. I think from indifference to attachment has come now.
Also when ever I take him out in bike, I used to ask him to close the door, he will not do it. Now a days he keeps the door open for me to take out vehicle and before leaving if I say close the door, he closes the door.
Please note medicines are closing down. I think may be for few more weeks it will last. Can you please send 2nd set of medicines. Please advise what to do other two medicines E2, E3, which is untouched for far.
Thanks and Best Regards
Respected Dr.Anish,
I am sending you the attachment of the upadated progress of Rahul Singh.Our family is really obliged to you and see a ray of hope from the progress we saw in our son Rahul within a year of your treatment.We see things going to the positive side now and are hopeful of his recovery soon from his drawbacks.
So much is my faith in your medicines now, that I have opted for my severe hair fall treatment also from you.
Ms.Teena Singh
(Rahul Singh's mother)
1.As observed Rahul’s hyperactivity has reduced by 50 % as his sitting tolerance by quite an extend (about 5 minutes ) in one place.
2.He has started obeying almost all instructions now.
3.His understanding power has increased comparatively.
4.Feelings like jealousy and possessiveness have now come to him which we never noticed before.He does not like any other child to be picked up or loved by his mother.
5.Drooling also controlled a bit, but still drools.
6.He has started pointing out to his body parts when asked.Yet the problem is with the eyes to hand co ordination while trying to do any activity.Still lacking in concentration.
7.Daily Vomiting controlled but still some days he vomits after food or when he sits in the toilet.
8.He has started speaking few words like mem mem,mum ma,ma,na,ningan,gun at a repetitive stretch.
9.He keeps asking for food after every half an hour and tends to over eat.
10.Bedwetting still persists.Keeps going for urinating in day time after every two minutes.
11.He spins a lot.
12.He has become a little aggressive and pulls his nose while throwing tantrums.
13.He keeps touching everything and cannot keeps his hands idle even for a second.
14.Since 15 days we have stopped the allopathy medicine Tregretal CR 200 mg,prescribed for convulsions,but have notice that he got a very mild relapse of convulsion the other day.
Case: H1484
Midhun is doing better. He is responding to our instructions, following directions, is very obedient. He is now spelling words. He is very friendly with all adults. He is eating better also. but He is still not talking. He is babbling more but no words. He is not playing with other kids yet. And not sure if you can help with these two issues. But he gets sick all the time. Catches cold very easily also He is very weak in his legs and hands. Climbing stairs is difficult. Writing is very feeble.
These are his current issues. Please let me know if you need more details.
Hello Dr Anish
As per your advise 6 week back we have started giving E1 on Thursday night also..We have noticed improvement in his behaviour.He is comparatively calmer and listen to us.
As it is already nearly 3 months going to finish I am writing you some progress we are seeing
Eye contact is getting better
Hyperactivity little controlled, still doesn't sit in one activity for long time.
Easily sits and take part in group activity and listen to his teacher in his day care center
Understand most of the command given to him verbally in day care and at home
Started saying a lots of single word
Started pointing things and telling their name
Repeat the new word when prompted.
Started saying hello bye bye thanks you by himself .Started saying small phrase like I WANT ------- ,GIVE ME MORE ,OPEN IT,MY TURN,HELP ME
Some time try to do action on little poems
Try to copy and play with his elder sister
Bonding with her sister is improving
Sometime ask her sister to copy his activity
understanding emotions like happy and angry face of us
He is now toilet trained
Recognise a lot of things by seeing the photos
Show his things to us by saying LOOK
He doesn't eats his meal easily he has become more fussy, try to run during meal time sometime screams and says no no.But he used to be good in eating meals before starting the medication
But we can see more obsession for some particular things
Want to play with vacuum cleaner by pulling its wire and pretend doing cleaning with it
Play with wire cable, try to put in wall socket
Want to go first through automatic door in shops malls, looks to them on opening and closing
Hope the above list will help you in deciding for further remedies
Please feel free for any more information you need from me.
Hi Dr. Anish, I am Annika'a father. Case number: B 1831; Her diagnosis is Autism Spectrum Disorder. After taking medicines and occupational therapy (as suggested by you) from past 3 months, there are many improvements in her. Such as
1. If we call her by her name, she looks towards to the person now.
2. Eye contact is developed.
3. Her playing behavior has improved. She can play with the toys now. ( earlier she use to play with her feet only and every thing was foot ball to her.
4. She can follow few small commands (some times). Like give to mummy, give to papa, keep it in table, come here, remove your pant, take you shows, and get down.
5. She can hold the pen now. Though her finger grip is not correct but she can write one (1) and zero (0).
6. She can identify red color, fan, eyes, nose and teeth.
7. She can wear shoes, pant (not fully but with our support)
8. some times if need some thing point out it by finger.
9. Her sitting tolerance is improved.
10. She can chew one or two grains of rice ( earlier she could not and she used to vomit whenever we use to give some solid to her. Still it continues, but now if we give boiled full rice ten times to her she will chew one or two rice grains).
Case ref no: H1810
Dear Doctor,
With reference to your treatment, I would like to inform you that I can see some positive changes in my son. He has started responding. The major cities problem I can see with him is Skimming. As discussed the same with you over phone, I have started giving him E1 twice( Tuesday and Saturday) in a week. His Neuro medicines are about to finish. Hence, I request you to kindly send me the medicine.
Rgds, M Sharma
Dear Sir,
Hello Dr. Anish. This is Shiva.
On Saturday my self, my wife and Shiva went to a temple on a beach. Usually every saturday we used to go to one place, but this time we crossed that area and went further for this new temple. Suddenly with our surprise Shiva asked "which going" (in tamil 'edhu poringa'). Normally to ask where are you going in Tamil 'enga poringa' . But we understood his intention, that normally we go to a place now we gone further away, so out of curiosity he wanted to ask us where are you going? But this way he never questioned us in the past. He got intention to speak but only words are not falling from his tongue properly. We give honey every day morning and evening, but still this tongue movement seems not proper. Or may be with his little attention he is able grasp only such tone from our speaking.
Started ur medications for last 13 days .. Improve the in sleep is seen remarkably, tantrum is also less, mild improvement in speech is also there. There was a gap of 7 days for occupational and speech therapy, after resuming from yesterday, lot of previous issues like tantrums have come in which was not there in these 13 days of ur medication. Kindly advise what we should do now.
Case ref No B-1316
Hello Dr. Vaknalli,
The following is a detailed update on my son's case after 1.5 months of starting the new course of medicines (course started on Feb-15).
Medicine being taken currently
Bottles #1, #2, #3 --> daily
Bottle E1 --> only on Sunday nights
E-Mix tablets --> 6-0-6 daily
1. Restlessness / hyperactivity - considerably reduced, moving around unnecessarily also reduced.
2. Aggression, rebellion - considerably reduced, he has calmed down quite a bit.
3. Unnecessary clapping / jumping - at home considerably reduced, however not completely gone. Still claps loudly with a twitched palm when excited or frustrated.
4. Communication - gradually trying to ask some questions in familiar situations.
Continuing concerns
1. Self-talk - may have marginally reduced, but still continuing in general. However, looking more and more pre-occupied than before, not listening to being called.
2. Sustained attention on tasks, conversations, stories - not happening, still bursty.
3. Ideation / spontaneity / analytical skills - not coming
4. Conversations - not happening.
5. Peer play and meaningful social interaction - not happening.
6. Lots of gaps in visual perception / processing.
Please advise.
Thanks and regards,
Mrs. Venkataraman
Hello Dr Anish
As it is already nearly 3 months going to finish I am writing you some progress we are seeing in Jaiveer
Eye contact is getting better
Hyperactivity little controlled, still doesn't sit in one activity for long time.
Easily sits and take part in group activity and listen to his teacher in his day care center
Understand most of the command given to him verbally in day care and at home
Saying a lots of single and two word and becoming vocal
Pointing things and tell their name
Easily repeat the new word when prompted
Started saying hello bye bye thanks you by himself .Started saying small phrase like I WANT ------- ,GIVE ME MORE ,OPEN IT,MY TURN,HELP ME, HURT, SIT DOWN.
Some time try to do action on little poems
Able to recite small poems when asked like Johnny Johnny yes papa, Twinkle twinkle little star
Started doing interlocking puzzle(20 pieces) by himself
Able to answer little question like What's your name ,sister name, mummy name, daddy name. where are you going? Where do you live? How old are you?
Try to play pretend game
Try to copy and play with his elder sister
Bonding with her sister is improving
Sometime ask her sister to copy his activity
understanding emotions like happy and angry face of us
Recognise a lot of things by seeing the photos
Show his things to us by saying LOOK
Knows and recognise his classmates and teacher names.
Like to be appreciated when done something like good boy
There are some concerns which are not improving
Try to hide behind me and become shy before entering his classroom at preschool but after that behave normal
He doesn't eats his meal easily become more fussy at meal time, want to eat curd and roti/parathas only always try to avoid vegetables and daal, runs during meal time sometime screams, cry and says no no .It is becoming difficult to feed him. But before his medicine started he use to eat everything and normally.
Flap his hands sometimes when excited or happy
Play with wire cable, try to put in wall socket join two socket with each other
Does not allow to cut his toe nails
Still has fear for sharp sounds like hair dryer, mixer, lawn mower
Hope the above list will help you in deciding for further remedies
Please provide the medicines name and ingredient list details for the clearance purpose at courier service in Australia.
Please feel free for any more information you need from me.
Case Ref No: H- 1899 Progress update
Hello Dr Vaknali,
It's been 1.5 months since I started giving medicine as per your guidance. I want to let you know that we are very pleased with his progress so far. He started talking with prompts and asking basic needs. But his words are not clear ie his articulation, joining lip words etc. His focus is still issue as he wants his way things to be done( typical toddler tantrums still). Please let me know whether we continue the same medicine schedule or any changes to be done.
We would like to thank you again:)
Dear Dr. Anish,
We are parents of Case No: 3770 and has visited your Mumbai (Malad) clinic on 29-July-2017 regarding Speech Problem of Our Daughter. Post Analysis and based on the information provided by us it was diagnosed by you as SCD - Social Communication Disorder.
Since we have started the regular dosages, we have seen quite a lot improvements in our Daughter as below:
1. There was no Eye-Contact initially, however now her Eye-Contact has been improved. Though the same has not improved a lot, however significant improvement is there as compared to 'before starting the medicines'.
2. If called by her name now, she is now able to recognize (looks back to us) that she is being called out.
3. Her Vocabulary has increased from 50 words to 170 words.
4. She has also started following the commands given by us. Such as Brig your shoes, keep something in kitchen, bringing her cloths...etc....
5. Her grasping power has increased a lot and she is able to learn study things more effectively.
6. We need to put less efforts now for feeding her, compared to before she started the medicine.
7. She has also started pointing finger, which she never used to do before.
8. If went out of home (e.g. Mall, market), and if she gets bored, she used to shout, roam around a lot and not used to stay with us and not-follow commands, however now her behavior has improved in such cases.
However we still have below concerns:
1. She is still not able to fully understand the questions posed to her.
2. She is still not calling us by name (Mummy, Papa). Does call very rarely.
3. Got feedback from her playgroup teacher that she only concentrates when activities are there and not entire time in the playgroup.
4. At home she will respond to things that we have taught her (such as body parts, ABCD, A for Apple etc), however if the same things are asked by her teacher she does not respond.
5. She tries to speak, however still does not have a clear speech. Does not do general conversations such as 'Give this', 'Give that', 'I don't want this', etc...
6. Vocabulary has increased a lot however she is still not able to do sentence structure, even not speaking two or three words together other than very specif few.
This is just an update on how Alvira is doing since having the remedies sent from you since 24th July 2017.
She is doing well since having her remedies. Her stimming has reduced a lot and now it happens only very rarely and for much short time. She seems more alert and aware and interactive. She has been showing rashes all over her body which are very similar to the ones she got after her vaccinations. In the past few days she has been fussy but very expressive instead of withdrawing from everything and everyone.
Please could you also let me know when I need to give Alvira the other remedies?
Hello Dr Anish
As it is already nearly 3 months going to finish I am writing you some progress we are seeing in Jaiveer and sending some videos for your reference on your WhatsApp (982019020303)
Eye contact is getting better
Hyperactivity is getting controlled, still doesn't sit in one activity for long time.
Easily sits and take part in group activity and listen to his teacher in his day care center
Understand most of the command given to him verbally in day care and at home
Saying a lots of single and two word and becoming more vocal
Started saying lots of three words sentences
Showing his things to us by calling us or by coming to us
Pointing things and tell their name
Easily repeat the new word when prompted
Started saying hello bye bye thanks you by himself .Started saying small phrase like I WANT ------- ,GIVE ME MORE ,OPEN IT,MY TURN,HELP ME, HURT, SIT DOWN.
Watch poems on TV and some time try to do action on them
Able to recite small poems when asked like Johnny Johnny yes papa, Twinkle twinkle little star
Started doing interlocking puzzle(20 pieces) by himself
Able to answer little question like What's your name ,sister name, mummy name, daddy name. where are you going? Where do you live? How old are you?
Try to play pretend game like becoming doctor, cooking in kitchen, feeding a baby
Try to copy and play with his elder sister
Bonding with her sister is improving
Sometime ask her sister to copy his activity
Understanding emotions like happy and angry face of us
Recognise a lot of things by seeing the photos
Knows and recognise his classmates and teacher names.
Recognise the names of his classmate by seeing their name spelling
Like to be appreciated when done something like good boy
Started making friends in pre school and playing with them In free play time
Started playing matching ,reasoning, spelling words on iPad
Eating habits are improving becoming less fussy
This regarding case no:H1760
As discussed with doctor over phone here is the progress so far after 6 months of treatment
1)He is much more calmer and focused than before
2)he is more cooperative and ready to accept change much easily
3)he understands instructions better
4)he is much better in noisy places and happy in a class of 30 in his preschool
5)he is more independent with eating food ..he is almost potty trained and without nappies all day but we need to remind him to go to the toilet as he isn't consistent yet to tell if he wants to use toilet
6)he is little intrested now in what others are doing and might initiate a communication but he still preffers to be on his own and do his own thing
7)he still doesn't like all food especially vegetables and fruits he doesn't have at all...he just preffers fish meat eggs
8)in social gatherings he is much more contained but still might need to give him a mobile phone to calm him down
9)the main concern is speech he says mostly 1 words for what he needs like milk or biscuit but still doesn't talk functional language yet or full sentences. .he has ecolalia where he is repeating sentences we say but doesn't understand the meaning.. He still gets confused with mummy daddy and in excitement might call me daddy.His speech pronunciation has cleared a lot.We now easily understand what rhymes he is saying and all his academic stuff in which he is very good
10)the aggressive behaviour is very rare now and screaming shountin is also quite less but he does have his days.We tried starting milk again but his behaviour worsens so we stopped again.Gluten we don't see much difference so we give it but try to control that as well
11)previously he didn't like being hugged and touched much now he loves tight cuddles and he is no more scared of swings and slides
12)He is more active now a does running around but he is not as active as how boys of his age are usually...i feel he still a bit wobbly on his legs
13)his supplemnts are still going on and attaching his latest organic acid test reports which suggested his gut is much better and yeast overgrowth is better however there was some micro bacterial growth but it wasn't too bad it seems
14)with clothes he is still sensitive to texture still preffers just wearing just t-shirts.Cant get him to wear shirts or Indian kurtas etc
15)his eye contact is very improved now and he responds when we call his name
With just 2 months for him to start proper school we really want him to start talking proper sentences and understand the things we say so if you please please emphasis more on that area.
Hi, I was asked to mail the progress of my son after 3 weeks of administering pills labelled E4 in addition to ongoing medicines. Here is the current status: 1) His fear of soft toys is completely gone. He plays with his giant teddy bear now. 2) He does not have a melt down like he used to have with certain noises. Though he still hates some noises like that of a hair dryer/ mixer grinder. 3) We see some improvement in social aspect. He tries to mingle with kids, though he is hesitant to go too near them. But if someone plays with him, he involves them. 4) One thing we are concerned about is his aggression. He tends to bite now if denied something. Also, he has started flapping his hands near his ears when excited or angry 5) Speech is also improving. So is eye contact and comprehension.
Dear Dr.Anish, case Ref no-H1826
Thanks for your valuable treatment of my Daughter Shreya.
I would like to share the feedback about positive response after one month's medicine effect.
1.she sleeping well. around 9hours a day
2. Hyperactivity has minimized a lot.
3. she is in progress with eye contact.
4 she is reading 1 to 10 and A to H
In addition, we giving her speech therapy weekly 3 days.
and when we need to start E2 and E3...?
We need your more support as well for more improvement.Currently, we are giving 1, 2, 3 & E2 and E3 Not at started.
yours sincerely
Dear Dr.Anish,
Thanks for your valuable treatment of my son.
I would like to share the feedback about positive response after 2 months medicine effect.
1. He is able to reply some extent.
2. Hyperactivity has minimised.
3. He is in progress with eye contact.
4. He is able to share the few past activity.
But we noticed some other activity done by him like:
He became angry quickly to any one and bit them who belong to his age.
He does not share eatable (chips, toffee, fruity etc.) but try to take from others.
He insists on his demand and never forgets after punishment.
Currently we are giving 1, 2, 3 & E1 as per your instruction. Please advise when we can start rest E2 and E3 with timing. Also any other medicine if required for reduce the above 1,2,3 points for better improvement.
M Pandey
Hello Dr Anish
As it is already nearly 3 months going to finish I am writing you some progress we are seeing in Jaiveer and sending some videos for your reference on your WhatsApp( mobile no 982019020303)
Eye contact is getting better. Hyperactivity is getting controlled, still doesn't sit in one activity for long time. Easily sits and take part in group activity and listen to his teacher in his day care center
Understand most of the command given to him verbally in day care and at home
Saying a lots of single and two word and becoming more vocal
Started saying lots of three words sentences
Showing his things to us by calling us or by coming to us
Pointing things and tell their name
Easily repeat the new word when prompted
Started saying hello bye bye thanks you by himself .Started saying small phrase like I WANT ------- ,GIVE ME MORE ,OPEN IT,MY TURN,HELP ME, HURT, SIT DOWN.
Watch poems on TV and some time try to do action on them
Watch cartoon programmes patiently on TV understand and enjoy them
Able to recite small poems when asked like Johnny Johnny yes papa, Twinkle twinkle little star
Started doing interlocking puzzle(20 pieces) by himself
Able to answer little question like What's your name ,sister name, mummy name, daddy name. where are you going? Where do you live? How old are you?
Try to play pretend game like becoming doctor, cooking in kitchen, feeding a baby
Try to copy and play with his elder sister
Bonding with her sister is improving
Sometime ask her sister to copy his activity
Understanding emotions like happy, sad and angry face of us
Recognise a lot of things by seeing the photos
Knows and recognise his classmates and teacher names.
Recognise the names of his classmate by seeing their name spelling
Like to be appreciated when done something like good boy
Started making friends in pre school and playing with them In free play time
Started playing matching ,reasoning, spelling words on iPad
Easily counts from 1 to 100.
Easily do alphabets and there words.
There are some concerns which are not improving
Eating habits are still concern becoming a picky eater does not want to eat vegetables and daals easily. We are trying to teach him writing but he does not show any interest, if we hold his hand to help him in writing he does not look on the paper he keeps looking around.Try to hide behind me and become shy when meet someone and before entering his classroom at preschool but after that behave normal. Flap his hands, squeals and scratch with both hands near his groin when excited.
Frequently flaps his hand, grunts and squeals while playing outdoor with children in group.
Scared of birds screams when they came near and shouts go away.Does not get hair cut easily, we have to do at home scared and cried a lot. Hope the above list will help you in deciding for further remedies.
Please provide the medicines name and ingredient list details for the clearance purpose at courier service in Australia.
Please feel free for any more information you need from me.
Dear Sir
Shiva responses are improving now a days after your new medicine.
He goes to toilet on his own, but cleaning we need to do. But before whenever he gets sensation of motion coming he will control by going into some corner. If we have seen his face only we can recognize he is trying to control motion and forcibly bring him to toilet to sit down, else he will go for motion 3 days also.
But this habit has changed now.
Another thing was he was able to point out to me and say Appa (father) if someone ask him. Before that he will not say for any question like that he will only answer his name Shiva.
Pointing for eatables or his desirables while moving on the roads or shops has improved.
I only pray his speech develops fast.
We try to speak more with him and educate him with more words but he still not able to pick up those words. May be his memory is not improve or attention is not improved.
This is to update you on my child.
Thanks and best regards
Here is a report of all the progress Alvira has made since she last saw you on 29/01/2018. She was extremely anxious and not wanting to walk and screaming for almost anything, she is a lot more relaxed and happier these days and seems to be more aware of her surroundings, and she walks little distances now and then, but still prefers to be carried by me. She has also started sleeping better and eating better.
When we last saw you she was just saying one word 'gen' meaning again. Now she can say a lot of words, all the colours, numbers and many names of objects, she also calls us mummy and daddy! Her speech is very unclear but she is attempting to say a lot of words. Her constipation is completely cured. She can follow small requests sometimes. Her eye contact is very good now when indoors but in a different environment she has less eye contact. Her meltdowns are a lot more manageable these days as she understands what we are saying and why she can't have what she wants.
As discussed with you we need to work on her not wanting to reply when asked a question, for example she can say all her numbers till 10 but when asked she won't reply. She avoids eye contact when being asked something.
We saw a lot more improvements in her behaviour since we started supplementing her with grapefruit seed extract for her candida.
Thank you very much and if you need any further information please let me know.
Regards from,
Hello Dr Anish
As it is already nearly 3 months going to finish I am writing you some progress we are seeing.Eye contact is getting better. Hyperactivity is getting controlled, still doesn't sit in one activity for long time. Easily sits and take part in group activity and listen to his teacher in his day care center. Understand most of the command given to him verbally in day care and at home. Saying lots of new words and becoming more vocal and speech is coming. Started saying lots of four words sentences.Trying to make sentences on his own but may be not in correct order. Express his feeling verbally.Showing his things to us by calling us or by coming to us. Pointing things and tell their name. Easily repeat the new word when prompted.Learn and remember lots of words spelling.Able to read the word when taught, remember it can read when asked.Started saying hello bye bye thanks you by himself .Started saying small phrase like I WANT ------- ,GIVE ME MORE ,OPEN IT,MY TURN,HELP ME, HURT, SIT DOWN.Watch poems on TV and some time try to do action on them.Watch cartoon programmes, kids movies patiently on TV understand and enjoy them.
Able to recite small poems when asked like Johnny Johnny yes papa, Twinkle twinkle little star.Started doing interlocking puzzle(20 pieces) by himself.Able to answer little question like What's your name ,sister name, mummy name, daddy name. where are you going? Where do you live? How old are you?Try to play pretend game like becoming doctor, cooking in kitchen, feeding a baby.Plays leggo games on his by seeing the instruction on the booklet.
Try to copy and play with his elder sister a lot.Bonding with her sister is getting better, communication getting better with her.Sometime ask her sister to copy his activity. Understanding most of the emotions like happy, angry ,excited, sick, scared and many more.
Recognise a lot of things by seeing the photos.His early intervention classes has started doing very well and teacher is happy with the progress.Doing well in both speech and occupational therapies. Knows and recognise his classmates and teacher names. Recognise the names of his classmate by seeing their name spelling. Like to be appreciated when done something like good boy, feels proud in showing award he got in the school. Started making friends in pre school and playing with them In free play time. Making good bonding with neighbours children try to communicate with them.Started playing matching ,reasoning, spelling words on iPad. Eating habits are improving becoming less fussy
Started writing alphabets but needs lots of push from our side.Started his swimming classes listening and trying to do what his coach say to him and enjoying it a lot.
Easily counts and read from 1 to100.Easily do alphabets and their words.
There are some concerns which are not improving
We are trying to teach him writing but he needs lots of prompting.
Try to hide behind me and become shy before meeting person known to him but become normal afterward.Flap his hands, squeals and scratch with both hands near his groin when excited.
Does not get hair cut easily, we have to do at home scared and cried a lot.
Sometime flap his hands, grunts, squeals while playing outdoor with children in group.
Still has fear for sharp sounds like hand dryer, mixer, lawn mower. Scared of birds, screams when they came near.Hope the above list will help you in deciding for further remedies.
Please provide the medicines name and ingredient list details for the clearance purpose at courier service in Australia.
Please feel free for any more information you need from me.
According to last phone call with Dr. Anish I am writing about second round of medicine which has been two month now. We can see lots of changes like more understanding, interacting and responding his name most of the time rarely he does not respond if he is really busy doing something.
There is no speech yet but we are not worried about speech right now. Communicating and interactions which is important. As change we are seeing that he is interacting more then before. Like before we have to run behind him now he runs behind us . Now number of time he throw ball to us. He gets it when we are asking him to do something , most off the time.
But now he is more demanding and aggressive. Especially when he is sleepy or hungry. He like color pen and sketch pen so much (as we know this kids like this kind of thing) if we take it he get over the top up set. And he never hit any one up until now. But he hits us now he does get clam after while. Also he like to eat Popsicle and cookie which we always hide but he can just eat and eat all though he is not heavy at all he is actually kind of borderline weight . So I was wondering if we can start other medicine or what. Let us know.Case no for H-1927.
Improvement in field of socializing is there.
Started writing numbers 1-10 on his own and above 10 needs verbal help
Alphabet A to F he knows rest still cannot write only recognition is there
Doctor he is interested in watching few cartoons in Hindi knows most of d dialogues one after d other spoken by d characters in d episode but if asked regarding academics does not show much interest
Yes definitely there is improvement in his speech he has stopped repeating questions and tries to answer as far as he knows
His focus and interest is less regarding studies plz help me out
H1881 son is on ur medicines since 10 months.his case o is husband talked to doc vaknalli yesterday. we have started him with nemechek protocol along with medicines. my son since start has hyperactivity no impulsiveness.he can sit n concentrate for like 1 hour or more.he has no sensory issues now.hand flapping,touch sensitive all gone.he loves messy plays now.but his eye contact,direction following is still same.speech is getting better but very 1 word in a concern is his fixation with numbers n alphabets n specially a phrase old macdonalds had a farm.he all the time repeats this phrase and want to write it everywhere.he is just obsessed with it.doc asked me to email for thia concern.thanks
Case no b2484 samradh ......
sir we have started your medication from last 12 nov 2018 and the development level is being sent to you via short video ........communication has not yet started as we are practicing occupational therapy and speech therapy regularly but its miraculous for us to have a improvement at this level.
u have asked for a short description of changes after 1.5 months of medication here it is as follows
1.Behaviour : odd behaviour improvising
2.eye contact : at puzzle solving level but not at communicating level
3.stimming: sometimes but not taking fingers infront of eyes
4.attention : improving but losting sometimes
5.command following: improving
6.imitation : improving but not appropriate always
7.gestures communication : better than before only at word level
8.spinning objects : still attracted but ignores when restrict him by command
9.listening : improving but on high pitch voice
10.sitting capacity : improves a lot upto 10 mins in activitys of his interest
11.Tantrums : not much only in 2 or 3 things if not followed according to him
12.Sensory issues are still there of vision sometimes odd viewing to objects and some textures
13.hand flapping: improved only does while he runs
14: sociality : comfortable with others touch and socialise himself to a certain level not much
Case no B2441
Sir thank you before I proceed with my son's details on autism and improvement.
Started his medication on 13october,took medicine for 3months.
Neuromix tables two bottles got finished today I do have two more.
My son has shown improvement since we started his medication though I am not able to give his occupational therapy...but as much possible at my end I try to do,he goes to school n teacher's say there is 10%stability.
Has eye contact though little , responds to his name at times not always,chews food now,talks repeating of words n sentences but mostly rhymes otherwise no meaningful conversation,
Sleep pattern has improved,
A lil less hyperactive.
Thank you so much...wanted to update you on this..please do let me know if anything needs to be done as a parent from our end and how do we proceed with his medication once finished.Shall be sending you his videos to co -relate.
Thanks once again
This is with reference to case No:H-2018-Rey. He completed 2 month of your medication. Please let us know for any changes needed for him now:
Below are the current status:
1-Eye contact improved 0- 30%
2-Responding to name - 0-30%
3-Hand flapping is reduced
4-Running back and forth at home reduced
5-Attention has increased from 10% to 30%
6-Still No words
7-Not following instructions
8-Started Sometimes bubbling
9-Still he doesn’t immiate sounds or actions
10-He is interested to see what mom is eating but not try new foods
11-He is getting frustrated and upset easily which he was never done before
12-He has become more aggressive
13-Teeth grinding increased a lot
14-Still he is not playing toys appropriately
15-Interested in throwing things out not putting In
16-Giving brahmi powder 2 pinch everyday once , we are not sure if it has metals? Let us know if we stop that?
17-He is on enfamil multivitamin with Iron give evry alternative day
18-He is on GFCF diet
19-Having almond and soy milk
20-Still he doesn’t pointing things and not able to tell us his needs . Sometimes he drag us and try to pull our hands and show but still not pointing.
21-He is not stitting at one place more than 15 mins
22-Sometimes he laugh or cry for no reason .
Ref: Case H-2019
Hope you are doing good. Please find the below status as of today's date. Please go through and provide the medicine accordingly. Let me know your suitable time for a call to discuss further.
Status on 17-Feb-2018
Eye contact - Eye contact has Improved when compared with previous time, Eye co-ordination is still lacking. If we throw a ball, she will follow it but if we start looking at other direction, she will not follow.
Verbal - Improved a lot, she can tell all the alphabets and numbers (A-Z & 1-10). she can say daddy, mummy. can sing happy birthday song, finger song(few bits).
Instructions - Improved a lot than last time, Taking few more Instructions like "wear slippers", "catch ball", "bring my phone",also do few things like removes chappal when she enters house, switches off the light when she wants to sleep
Chewing - No Improvement at all. Only chews favorite chips, fries & chicken pieces. chips she bites as well
finger pointing - No Improvement from last time, still catches our finger and take it to the Object
Interaction - Improved, when compared with last time but still not interacting with new persons
Sleep - Improved. Follows exact time but a bit late ( 1 AM to 8 AM & 4 PM to 5:30 PM)
Playing - She likes to play with ball, sits in cycle and asks us to ride, do matching, writes alphabets (A to E), Do matching on paper with pencil.
Hyperactivity - I do not think she is hyperactive but i would like to share some details so you can have some idea. She does not like to sit at a place, Always trying to jump from sofa and do some or the other activity. she sits at one place only when the rhymes are going on in the TV or feeling sleepy and when a therapist makes sit her in the class.
Emotions - When we say No or put food forcibly she gets angry and try to bite. When we scold her verbally with big sounds, she cries.
Apart from above, she stopped throwing things, plays exactly on how they need to be played as per cartoons,smells food and recognized non-veg easily, if any parcel comes she will go to kitchen and bring scissors and asks us to open it.
Thanks & Regards, P
Hello Dr Anish
As it is already nearly 3 months going to finish I am writing you some progress we are seeing in Jaiveer (5year and 6 months old) .
He has been assessed by the school councillor(psychologist) and they find him fit to go to the normal school. He will be going to the main stream school from F0ebruary 2019.
Eye contact is getting better
Hyperactivity is getting controlled, still doesn't sit in one activity for long time.
Easily sits and take part in group activity and listen to his teacher in his day care centre.
Reciprocal communication is getting better.
Understand most of the command given to him verbally in day care and at home.
Learning lots of new words everyday and becoming more vocal and speech is getting better.
Started saying lots of five words sentences
Trying to make sentences on his own but may be not in correct order.
Express his feeling verbally by telling them in sentences..
Showing his things to us by calling us or by coming to us
Easily repeat the new difficult word in pronounced them when prompted.
Learn and remember lots of words spelling.
Able to read the word when taught, remember it, can read when asked.
Watch cartoon programmes, kids movies patiently on TV and cinema hall, understand and enjoy them.
Able to recite small poems when asked like Johnny Johnny yes papa, Twinkle twinkle little star
Started doing interlocking puzzle(20 pieces) by himself.
Try to play pretend game like becoming doctor, cooking in kitchen, feeding a baby
Plays leggo games on his by seeing the instruction on the booklet.
Try to copy and play with his elder sister a lot.
Bonding with her sister is getting better, try to talk with her a lot.
Understanding most of the emotions like happy, angry ,excited, sick, scared and many more.
Recognise and able to explain a lot of things by seeing the photos.
His early intervention classes has started doing very well and teacher is happy with his progress.
Doing well in both speech and occupational therapies.
Like to be appreciated when done something like good boy, feels proud in showing award he got in the school.
Made friends in pre school and playing with them In free play time
Making good bonding with neighbours children try to communicate with them.
Started playing matching ,reasoning, spelling words and games on iPad
Eating habits are improving becoming less fussy
Started writing alphabets but needs lots of push from our side.
Started his swimming classes listening and trying to do what his coach say to him and enjoying it a lot.
Easily counts and read from 1 to100.
Easily do alphabets and their words.
Learning doing simple addition.
There are some concerns which are not improving
We are trying to teach him writing but he needs lots of prompting.
Try to hide behind me and become shy before meeting person known to him but become normal afterward.
Flap his hands, squeals and scratch with both hands near his groin when excited.
Does not get hair cut easily, we have to do at home scared and cried a lot.
Sometime flap his hands, grunts, squeals while playing outdoor with children in group.
Scared of birds, screams when they came near.
As he will be going to the school in February 2019 .We have some concern related to that
Concentration ( do not concentrate on the activity for long time).
Attention ( look here and there while doing activity or when teacher is giving some activity).
Loud ( sometimes he become loud when he get excited).I
Hope the above list will help you in deciding for further remedies
Please provide the medicines name and ingredient list details for the clearance purpose at courier service in Australia.
Please feel free for any more information you need from me.
Case Ref No: H1881 son is on ur medicines since 10 months.his case o is husband talked to doc vaknalli yesterday.we have started him with nemechek protocol along with son since start has hyperactivity no impulsiveness.he can sit n concentrate for like 1 hour or more.he has no sensory issues now.hand flapping,touch sensitive all gone.he loves messy plays now.but his eye contact,direction following is still same.speech is getting better but very 1 word in a concern is his fixation with numbers n alphabets n specially a phrase old macdonalds had a farm.he all the time repeats this phrase and want to write it everywhere.he is just obsessed with it.doc asked me to email for thia concern.thanks
Registration no. B-2673
Hello doctor,
I just wanted to share my happiness today with you ,My 5 year old daughter pretended playing a gunfight today, it was such a great experience for me to play with her and see her enjoy the play sooo much.
All thanks to you doctor.
Under your treatment I have a great hope that my child will live a normal life.
Thank you again
Good evening, case no B-2634, from USA. I started your medication on March 25th when I came back to USA. His behavior has improved, his biting and pulling hair of others has reduced. Still not communicating just few repetitive words here and there. Still very picky eater, eats only certain texture eg khichdi, refuses fruits or any new food (begins to gag). Please let me know your suggestions or questions. Thank you
( case no. 4376 , malad clinic) just nw reached bk home (mira road) after spending almost a month's vacation in agra and kota , went to nani's place thn to dadi's place,
we r happy to share tht while return jrny, his activities and social behavior was quite normal,
grateful to u sir, fr all ur efforts, tht resulted in so much improvement in him,
Hello Sir
My son is in your medicine from 26th of April for Autisim
His hyperactivity remarkably reduced
Can point his basic needs
I just want to ask about his sleep
His sleep got so disturbed
It takes 2,3 hours to fall him asleep
Case M-55533
Hello Dr,
Since past few days, Vishruth has been improving well!
His allergies r almost gone, not as bothersome as before and I reduced 2 meds. Still giving clarinex n occasional benedryl. He’s stacking up to 10 blocks and today he stacked 2 rows of blocks. His mood is much happier and responding well to others.
In park, he’s observing other kids with interest. Thanks so much and when should I call? It will be 2 months by 21 st of January. I had recommended your website to several of my friends.Thanks,
Sent from my iPhone
Good evening Doctor
This is Stefan's mum. His case number is 3707 from Malad.
Thank you for the medicines. It's helping a lot. Sending you a few pictures and videos of Stefan.
The speech is not yet to the mark, but he understands and responds with a yes or no. Somehow I cannot understand why he needs to make a cranky face when he responds
His focus is good too, but still the spinning is there. A lot of it. Ive even started gluten free flour for him. I prepared the mix at home watching videos. Here there are dark bitter chocolates which do not contain sugars. Or even it's substitute. So we are good there.
Hello sir,
Just to update progress of Shivansh.
Thanks for all your ongoing support for his delayed speech issues and delayed development.
Now he is significantly verbal with following instructions and started requesting and saying yes or no for the questions.
Tantrums are much less, feeding is still an issue, but not that bad. He just don't feel very hungry and usually tries to run away while feeding.
Tries to get engage with other children, try to copy my actions, my routines.
Go to theatre and watch movies.
Water addiction is also less.
Brushes teeth on his own.
Self feed with fork for finger foods.
No spinning.
No toe walking.
Good eye contact and name response. Can tell his full name, my name, surname, many family members name.
Thanks and will continue updating.
Have a nice day.
Hi Dr,
My daughter has been taking the medicine 2 months now and we are happy to see improvement.
I have a friend who is visiting Mumbai and has agree to carry back the medicine for me. I would like to ask your opinion if I can collect 6 months prescription ? My friend can pick it up from your clinic at Malad.
Please advise. Thanks.
Good evening Dr.Anish,
This is a follow up email on (case # H2208 ) progress .
We started the medicines 1,2,3 daily (timings 7,2,5) according to school timings, E1 on the weekends at sleep time . Medicines were started from the 3rd week of October.
The positives we are seeing are:
His imitation skills mostly verbal have increased.
Better matching of objects, shapes
Playing and running with class mates in the school playground
His listening is much better.
Climbing of stairs is better. (which was an OT goal as well)
He is going to mainstream school with a shadow teacher since March 2019. Receiving OT, SPEECH THERAPY and about to start OPT (ORAL PLACEMENT THERAPY)
His mouthing is still a big issue in school and overall learning. His speech was really coming along but since a week we feel it has gone down again. He has started vocalizing and making new sentences which are 50% understandable.
We were also having a lot meltdowns and tantrums in the past month, he was scratching, biting and screaming. We had a tooth extraction done, a root canal with crown so that problem has settled. But in class the alertness is not there specially he doesn’t look where he is suppose to be looking.
Writing is still an issue. But overall the class teacher and LSA is very impressed with change in cognitive level. This is her term end report
Omar has shown increased ability to retain information.
Targets (IEP) were only 3 letters, numbers and animals. He scans pictures on the table at the moment and has pointed to 17 daily objects (pillow, jacket, handbag, shoes brown, shoes black, fish, baby, girl, bed, man, piano, backpack, watch, shirt, trolley bag, woman, ) and 7 shapes (Rectangle, square, heart, star, crescent, oval, circle)
His motor planning has improved such as going up and down the stairs. Opening and closing of the door while going into the building.
His mouthing has not lessened. He has been very confident in school but his tantrums are more often.
Omar’s listener responding has shown increased when asked about lesson presented to him. He looks at the object and pictures takes it or points to it.
Newest concern at home and school are the tantrums which sometimes turn into meltdowns. Specially when he is asked to do something he doesn’t want to like asking him to write, stop stimming or simply going to toilet. He got extremely angry and his screaming made the veins in his forehead bulge.
Shall we continue the same medicines. Please advise.
Hello Dr Anish
As it is already nearly 3 months going to finish I am writing you some progress we are seeing in Jaiveer (6year and 6 months old) .
Jaiveer has started doing most of the things that a chid of his age do. Thanks for your medicine which are working well for him.
Jaiveer is finishing his kindergarten class in December. It was a smooth transition from pre school to main stream school. There was no issues to be noticed. He has adjusted well with the school routine. Made new friends at school. Teacher are happy with his learning ability. Getting appreciation award from his teacher for doing good work and being a good learner. He is doing good progress in his school and everyday learning something new. Speech has improved a lot,communication is really getting better, easily reading the books and doing simple addition and subtraction.
There are some concerns
Sometimes he start moving in the room from one side to other with shaking hand and squealing.(but its getting better from the last time)
Most of the time express his excitement with yelling and squealing.
Sometimes while talking get loud doesn't think about the people around him.
Flap his hands, squeals and scratch with both hands near his groin when excited.(but has improved a lot from the last time).
Scared a lot of thunder and lightning.
Scared of going to the room alone in night time.
As he will be going to year1 next year .We want him to get better in
Concentration ( do not concentrate on the activity for long time).
Attention& focus( look here and there while doing activity or when teacher is giving some activity).
Loud ( sometimes he become loud when he get excited).
Hand and eye coordination (as he need this in playing outdoor games in school).
Hope the above list will help you in deciding for further remedies
Her eye contact has improved a lot and started following instructions however she is not communicating her needs or talkings she used to do earlier
Overall she is happy and playful most of the time, she needs to make friends or play with them one to one
She is also very active and not gaining weight. Only eats when very hungry we are trying her to gain weight
Hello Dr,
I have a friend coming from Mumbai this Sunday and want to check if it’s possible to prepare medicines by Saturday ? How much to pay for 6 months supply? Please let me know.
Regarding Vishruth
Improvement as follows
1) His allergies improved a lot, even redness of ears appears occasionally but gone in few min. Feeling a lot better and used benedryl only twice in last couple of weeks( still using clarinex but stopped Pepcid and benedryl daily basis )
2) he’s much happier , his teacher gave good feed back, keeps shoes on, puts his back pack himself, walks to classroom and back independently, puts stuff back if they fall down accidentally etc, less itching .
3) started playing ball in park, kicking ball, uses slides independently .
4) letting us brush his teeth , it was a big struggle
5) we feel he’s more aware , looking into sky, watching birds fly etc which we didn’t notice before.
Looking for improvement in following areas
1) hes ok to use toilet for pee but goes into bath tub for poop. Holds it if we make him sit on toilet, was successful only couple of times . Recently been getting constipating stool inspite of giving fiber n probiotic
2) does not let us clip nails even in sleep
3) he used to sing rhymes and stopped last March with onset of allergies and we r hoping his speech improves with his allergies now in control.
4) occasionally waking up middle of night.
Good morning sir
I want to order next term medicines
Good thing,:: now he is using 2 words frequently n 3 words rarely
Needs to improve concentration, eye contact ,hyper and strange sounds through the day
Case no. H-2331
He has to improve in understanding the things
Small things like sit, stand, eat, he understands
Dear doctor/team,
Am writing in reference with 6 weeks of treatment of my son Girish
First of all BIG THANKS for the treatment and help. We are hopeful and optimistic that he will improve further with your treatment
Please find below response after the treatment.
1. COMMUNICATION : we see overall his speech has improved ., At the moment it's all need based manding with clear 3-4 words sentence like give me water, give me particular toy, give me apple etc etc so there is improvement. Apart from this sometimes he is repeating what we are saying, reciting rhymes, songs .. however when he repeats he does repeat the same sentence multiple times. Also his self talk has increased sometimes it's meaningful and sometimes it's random mix match... His screen time is stopped for videos but using it for some puzzles, alphabets and colouring.
2. BEHEVAIOR : here also lot of changes. His hand feet licking almost reduced by 90%.
His seating tolerance increased . He is imitating actions. Toilet training ok sometimes accidents are happening..
On a down side he is throwing toys , plates , tumbler after the use is over and also hitting his mom randomly.. also he is tearing notebook paper, plucking leaves of plant's in balcony.. his hyperactivity has bit more increased may be because of extensive lockdown..
3. SLEEP - good improvement , he is having good sleep for almost 8+ hours without any disturbance.. only thing if he sleeps in the afternoon he takes time to sleep in the night other wise he sharp goes to bed between 10-11.
4. GENERAL : he is following instructions. Enjoying coloring, playing with dough, but at a time he is very hyper to do the same thing the way he wants, his playing has improved and not obsessed with the objects such as car keys, water..
Overall it's positive growth track and thank you so much for the treatment. Please let us know your feedback on treatment from now onwards.
We would love to see his improvement in communication like asking questions, responding if we are talking to him.
His ABA sessions are going on thrice in a week and school once in a week vc session.
Thanks a lot for all your help.
Hello Anish sir,
Please find the status of Gamya as of today. There is lot of Improvement in all aspects compared to last time. I have provided the detailed feedback below.
Our only concern now is sleep(8-9 hour's only per day) and vocabulary(learned lot of words but not interested to speak)
Please provide the medicine for the next period.
Status on 7-Jun-2020 (last medicine Feb-24)
Eye contact - No big change compared to last medicine intake. She is still giving eye contact when required and seems ok for us
Verbal - learning lot of words, she is able to use lot of single words and able to recognise almost all items in the house. But she is not interested to speak, communicate verbally.
Stubborn - She is very well behaved now and listens to us. if we says NO, she listens ans leaves it.
Instructions -completely following our instructions, she is able to understand lot of instructions from us.
Chewing - Improved a lot. I think this is no more a concern.
finger pointing - Improved a lot, she is able to identify and point fingers to show us the distant objects.
Interaction - Improved from last time, she is interacting with people especially liking kids.
Sleep - no improvement, following same irregular sleep time, sleeps for total around 8-9 hours only.
Playing - Improved a lot compared to last time, doing lot of role plays, imitations
self laughing - nicely controlled. she has almost stopped self laughing (after giving E1 two times per week)
Hyperactivity - reduced a lot compared to last time, plays by sitting at one place and also with therapist for an hour session.
Emotions - Improved a lot, she is able to understand lot of things. she is crying if we take other kids into our arms or if we buy something for us instead of her
Concentration - Improved a lot when compared to last time.
Review after 4 and half months of treatment
1)common senses has increased
2)verval communication has not increased still says mumma and 2-3 useless words
3)eye contact with family members is fair but with outside people is not good
3)brings glass whenever thirsty and cries when hungry.
4)gets irritated in between his playing
5)gets involved sometimes with the elder brother
6)doesnot try to speak but provides non verbal cues whenever he want to tell anything
7)stares when unable to understand the verbal commands
8)rides tricycle and panda comfortably
9)goes through his Preprimary books flipping pages as if he understands the content
10)always want to be outside home
11)flapping has decreased. But does when he is very happy
12)running between the walls has decreased significantly
13)i think he should speak now as he is understanding lot of things
Name S Kulkarni
Since 3 months we are taking your medicine
And we got good results
1)Surya is started talking
2) increase eye contact
4) response to name call
5) increase attention
Now we need more results
We want more
1)eye contact
2)Speech is more important
3) social
Thank you so much for your support ๐
Case no H -2364
Dr he's doing better. He is making an effort to speak. He copies everything we say. He is more focused on his studies. He is not clear in speech.He retains what is taught. He has taken interest in swimming, cycling and playing ball games. He tries to communicate with outsiders. He helps to cook clean and tidy the house
On the flip side
He still claps, makes sounds of not engaged in any activity. He is still hyperactive and has limited focus time like 20 minutes and then he has to run or clap it stimm.
We are working on therapy and studies since March at home.
Good morning doctor
This is suresh from andhra pradesh
My son case ref no : 2178
He is medication from your prescription since one year
He has improved in good percentage
Now he is listening to our words doing certain things.
1.Repeating words what we say
2.imitating his brother in play and actions
3. Calling mother and father in our telugu language Amma Nanna but confused whom to call Nanna and amma
4. Repetitive behaviour has completely changed
5. Holding toys in hands completely changed
6. Concentration improved good
7. New behaviours started making his body upside down like sheershasana
Now medicines have come to complete, kindly prescribe next course, I would call you on your available time if suggested.
Hello Dr. Vaknahalli,
Further to our telephonic talk on 01 July 2020, please find attached comprehensive feedback of my son Case No -H-2144.
As of now the medicine No 1, 2, 3, E2 (Thursday & Sunday) has been used so far.
From our perspective we would like to submit that there has been some perceptible changes in the behavioural pattern or apparent transgression towards normalcy in day to day affairs
1. He has got some grip in holding pencils including crayons and is able to write independently without support.
2. He is able to read single words now.
3. He has started to express some of his needs
4. Some clarity in speech
5. Roting has Improved (Voice Recording will be forwarded for reference)
6. Spinning has reduced.
Progress Report after 45 days
Improvements –
Overall we can see good development on Him
1. Speech seems improved. Now communicate his needs & requirements by two words. Self-taking almost 70% stopped.
2. Now little bit interest for reading & writing .Start to write cursive letters in sentences also almost in line formation.
3. Hyperactivity become much more less than before
4. Eye contact improved
5. Started to play with siblings also.
6. Try to communicate with strangers. But while framing sentences to others the lack of language makes him difficult to give answer.
7. Start to do his daily routine activity individually. But little pressure we have to give on him to do.
Dear Doctor
I am Arnav's mother. As per your prescription my child is taking the medicine number 1,2 & 3 and its been more than a month. The other medicines that you sent E1, E2 and E3 when should I start them as it is written in the prescription that I have to take bottle number 1,2 &3 first and after a month I need to contact you through email.
Please advice ๐ how to take other medicines.
I see some positive changes in my child his eye contact has increased alot . He has started following few commands . He has started expressing his love towards his Nani, Nana and Mama. He doesn't stay alone now . He sits with everyone . His speech and OT is going on .
Hello Dr., thanks for your time today.
I have compiled all the points in-line with our discussion today.
1. Increased awareness of the environment.
2. Increased response to commands/ instructions and compliance.
3. Better understanding of activities and games, including school activities. More interested in playing puzzles and losing interest in gadgets.
4. Sitting tolerance has increased.
5. Sensitivity towards certain fabric textures has considerably reduced.
6. Fear of heights, stairs, etc. has started to reduce.
Areas of improvement:
1. No difference in speech ability.
2. Last 1-2 weeks, she starts to flap her 1 hand/ leg, looks at it and goes into a state of trance and squeals. Upon intervening, she stops.
3. In the recent past, we have noticed a small increase in her aggression (scratching or hitting us when scolded).
4. Last 1 week, teeth grinding has increased considerably throughout the day.
5. From the past 2-3 weeks, she has started to soil her underpants. She has started the habit of holding back her bowel movement/ urine and hence soils/ wets her pants a bit.
6. At the same time, it appears there is an increased sensitivity in the genital area as she seems to be touching/ itching throughout the day.
Nathan G
Dear doctor,
Thanks for your help in the treatment of my son.
We are optimistic and hopeful for further improvement.
Please find below response after 18 weeks of treatment.
Communication : yes he has maintained his manding with bit improvement to respond while given preference like red or green, car or bike , that and this etc.. stimming stopped. He is showing urge for communication more. So overall on improving track and hopefully he will be engage himself in two way communication.
Behaviour : in addition to earlier improvement his hyperactivity has reduced and most of his behaviour issues have gone. Just to mention he wants to play more in water and sometimes he stil does fan on off although reduced by 75%
Sleep - no issues.
General : we see lot of improvement.
Is there anything to boost his brain for academics.
Rest all good,
Appreciate all the help, we are very much optimistic that he will further improve with your support and treatment.
Many thanks for your help.
We would love to see his improvement in communication , engage in conversation, improve academic, improve seating capacity.
His ABA sessions are on hold due to diwali. Overall growth track.
Thanks a lot for all your help.
Kind Regards
This is Ayan father
Changes occurred in last 1 and half month
1. Hyperactivity has reduced
2. Has started listening and following commands more
3. Expressive words have increased to 10 - 12 words
4. Repeating what we say has also increased
5. He has started minglining with other kids and loves to be around them.
6.Teeth grinding has stopped completely
He has lot of fixations
He was partially potty trained, but it has regressed now.
Gfcf diet is not followed 100% due to rejecting other food.
Conversational speech is missing still, he imitates and sings
Please advise further steps๐
Case Ref No: B-3350 Master Vihaan Hugar
The service that I receive for my child Vihaan is ADHD from Dr. Anish Vaknalli is excellent. Dr. Anish and his staff are friendly and ensure that I am properly informed about my child health and care. He is very understanding and listens to my child concerns.
First of all I would like to tell that I wasn't expected improvement in such less time. Because I never believe in homeopathic treatment. Even though I took a chance for my child. As I Know Allopathic treatment for ADHD has severe Unknown side effect.
Three month back I was surfing in google How to treat ADHD children. I read Doctors review and his treatment plan. Instantly I called doctor and took appointment.
My child Vihaan is 6 year old now. My wife's pregnancy was normal. and in my family no one having such kind of Health problem. Till 2 year my child growth and development was normal as like other normal child. after that we were facing his Hyperactive and anxious issues. He was not uttering single words till age of 5. Whatever we say he don't understand at all. Poor concentration, lack of listening, No eye contacts.
Once we started Dr. Anish Treatment within first month itself we observed many improvement. My child surprised me in many situation. He started speaking whole sentence. understanding level increased, anxiousness reduced tremendously. Speech and hyperactive is improved up to 70% if I compare with previous condition.
Now, we are very happy by seeing this improvement in our child. Day by day he is overcoming all the challenges. I would highly recommend Dr. Anish Treatment for All the parents whose child are facing ADHD. As I have observed dramatic improvement in my child and there is no side effect at all.
Dr. Anish Thank you very much for your efforts and helping my child to overcome challenges. I am sure my child will be better soon and enjoy his normal life.
Good afternoon doctor,
For case H-2957
Bhargavi is doing well. Speaking of words are very limited. Sometimesbshe whispers. NO phrasing sentence. Very few words she speaks occasionally but
don't repeat if we ask her.
Behavior wise she has improved. She does follow commands most of the time. Understanding is improved.
Medicines are still same. Bottles 1, 2,3, E1 and E4 are going on.
Another 10 days of dosage is remaing for 1, 2 and 3.
Let us know if need to change medicines or take video call?
For case H-2957
Saying more words now, and will now (most of the time) say words if encouraged to say them by nursery teacher and parents (whereas before she would look but not say the word despite being able to say it). She said ‘hi’ to Dad when he collected her from nursery, as her teacher said ‘say hi to Daddy’.
Started to say 2 words together, ‘stop it’ and ‘shut up’ to her baby brother who annoys her a lot when he cries or moans. She becomes extremely annoyed when he cries, she covers her ears and screams and shouts and hurts him and kicks him violently, especially when he wakes her in the middle of the night.
Good evening Doctor. It’s approx little more than 1.5 months since we started the medication for my daughter- Dakshika
Many many thanks to you!!
There is certainly considerable improvement in her.
Few pointers stated as below:
1. She is able to respond to certain words - however in a playful mood. Like play acting. Interaction with others has definitely increased considerably.
2. She is speaking many many more words and more often however sentence formation is still not there.
3. She has downloaded story apps and listens to stories herself where there is audio aid. However books when read to her she doesn’t keep that level of attention.
4. She however is very hyperactive and we find it difficult to keep up with her
5. Potty training etc still not happening.
Do let us know next steps.
Yes. His eye contact has improved a lot, his obsession for cars is much less now, action which we used to do a lot on floor lying upside down and rubbing his private part is gone, he is not wearing diapers anymore but he is not potty trained yet , he is not afraid to slide ๐ and other plays, he is climbing stairs without any support, he is working very well with labels and pictures like a snack picture when he wants to eat, he is engaging with her sister to play to some extent
Case # H-2461
We are giving Meds 1, 2 and 3 daily 3 times.
E1 - we are giving him on Sunday nights as prescribed.
Hello Dr. Anish,
It’s been 6weeks 3 days now since we started your medicine to Arjun.
We observed some improvements in his behaviors.
1. His hand flapping has come down comparatively from before.(50%down)
2. Screaming has reduced about 50% from before.
3. He is able to follow certain instructions now.
4. He is repeating certain words when asked to but is not adapting to correlate words to certain situations.
case reference number H 2658
Now after 6 weeks of treatment , that was started in the month of May, Azhaan can sit for about an hour for occupational therapy,has started coloring with the help.puts coins into piggy bank,can find beads or coins kept inside rice grains bowl.keeps multiple rings in place.
Now frequency of temper tantrum is decreased, but still infrequently becomes irritable.
Better eye contact and hand eye coordination.
This is my second time to order the medicine, after visiting a lot of Doctor in india, my kid was diagnosed as a cerebral palsy dystonic child. The mean problem on him his he still not able to sit without support
Your medicine ๐ has help my kid a lot while I was giving to him but we didn't realized that. I remember your medicine has help him a lot
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