Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Breast lump, tumor or fibroadenoma cure with homeopathy

Cured Case of Mutiple Breast Lumps or Fibroadenoma with Homeopathy
Case treated by: Dr. Anish Vaknalli

Fibroadenoma of the breast are firm, smooth, rubbery, easy to move under the skin, noncancerous, harmless and painless lumps (tumors) that often occur in premenopausal women. They are usually small (less than 1 cm) and can get bigger in breast-feeding mothers and during pregnancy.

On examination, they typically are painless, have a marble-like feel, firm, mobile and solitary. However, multiple and bilateral fibroadenoma are common too.

About this case

This case is of a 17 year old girl with multiple lumps or fibroadenoma in both her breasts. She was operated for one such large tumor following which she visited us as she refused to be operated any further. A wise decision as surgery would only be a temporary measure and would scar her permanently.

Our Specialized Homeopathic Treatment which cured here in 6-8 months

Women with fibroadenoma are routinely treated with homeopathic medicines at our centres. The outcome of the treatment is encouraging with most cases of small to medium sized fibroadenomas resolving and shrinking to a non-palpable size. Women with a tendency to recurrent fibroadenomas are treated with the intention of reducing this inherent disposition, which can be achieved in most patients.

The homeopathic medicines used at our centres have anti-tumor properties which soften and shrink the tumors. A constitutional approach in which a remedy based on the persons constitution, physical framework, medical history etc is also used to help in the prevention of recurrent tumors.

The smaller the tumor faster is the results achieved. It is therefore advisable that if you are considering homeopathy for such tumors start your homeopathic treatment as soon as possible.

Case reports of before and after her treatment 

How can I opt for this treatment?

Besides our 3 clinical centres in Mumbai (India), we offer our services worldwide as well.

You can seek our treatment online by clicking here

For any further details or clarification do feel free to email us at ask@homeoconsult.com  

Dr. Anish Vaknalli (MD, HomeoConsult R&D)

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